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When I hear your voice calling my name

2006-02-20 - 9:16 a.m.

I'm such a happy girl it's almost silly.

I have today off, but Lolo is working the OR shift, which starts a little before 6am. He wanted to spend the night at my place but go to bed early so he'd be able to get up in time for his early shift. So yesterday I spent the day preparing myself to go to bed early. I got up early instead of sleeping in like I could've. I didn't drink any caffeine, just took ibuprofen for the withdrawal headaches. I ran ten miles. Believe me, I was ready for bed by 4, but fought the temptation to take a nap because I had to go to bed early.

I met him at his place at 5, we had dinner at Gordito's, and then I took him back to my place. We spent a while on the couch in mutual-foot-rub position only we were reading instead of foot rubbing. He's reading the book I gave him about George Washington and I'm still reading Bill Bryson's "Notes from a Small Island." I don't know what it is about this book. It's an easy read and every time I pick it up it has me laughing out loud, and yet I just can't seem to get into it. Once I put it down I never really have the desire to pick it back up again.

But anyway, eventually we moved to the bed in attempts to sleep. Me, I would've had absolutely no trouble at all, but he had apparently stayed up late the night before and slept in quite late that day and then done absolutely nothing all day (or should I say in the few intervening hours between the time he got out of bed and the time I arrived) so was wide awake. And actually it was good. We just layed there in each other's arms for hours talking. It's funny how you can talk about things in bed much more easily than you can anywhere else. We talked about all sorts of things, we talked about family and friends, we talked a bit about our hopes and dreams (mostly about the hopes and dreams we had as kids/teenagers, but that's a start). At one point, after we had been quiet for a while, he asked, "Do you want a family?" Without hesitation I said, "Yes," pause, "How about you?" He said yes, too. I was so happy that he had brought the subject up, and of course also that he had said yes. So I told him about how I'd always wanted a family like the one I'd grown up in--two kids, one boy, one girl...and he told me he'd always not wanted a family like he'd grown up in--parents divorced when he was three, one kid living with his mom. That made me happy too, although I guess nobody really dreams of divorce in their future.

We did eventually fall asleep, hopefully I didn't fall asleep too long before he did. He got up this morning, took a shower, got ready for work (I'm so jealous that he gets to wear scrubs to work--it's like changing from one pair of pajamas to another), and kissed me goodbye leaving me laying in bed. I could totally get used to this.

One Good Thing: A good morning kiss from Lolo
Song of the Day: I Can't Unlove You - Kenny Rogers
One Year Ago Today: Operation Savaglobagoo

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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