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Depends on how hard you squeeze 'em.

2003-02-23 - 9:06 p.m.

Today was a relaxing day with the folks. I stayed up late last night for absolutely no reason and then got up this morning around 8. I went out for coffee with my parents, did a quick bit of shopping, and then came home. I spent most of the morning putting together a chest of drawers for my mom. It was one of those that comes in pieces in a box with a set of poorly translated directions. All you have to do is insert B into slot F on board T while holding board C, D, I and I1 in place and you've got a chest of drawers! Ok, there were a few more steps than that, but I did it! While I was working on that in my parents room, my dad was fixing a drawer with a broken runner in my room. At one point my dad came into where I was and said, "Do you have the electric screwer in here?" I said, "Yeah, but you can have it. I like to do my screwing with finesse." At which point we both realized what we were saying and he took the electric screwdriver and left. It was hilarious. Really.

After lunch we drove out to Folsom to walk around the river. It was really pretty. Everything is green and blooming. The poison oak was out in full force. Like it or not, that stuff is really pretty in spring. We walked up the river as far as we could until we got to the fence around the prison. We saw lots of ducks and turtles and even a muskrat. The muskrat was funny. He was sneaking up on ducks and scaring them. My mom asked, "What do muskrats eat?" and my dad said, "I think they eat shoots," but I thought my dad said, "I think they eat sheep," which of course set us off. Then my mom said, "Do muskrats make noise?" and I said, "Depends on how hard you squeeze 'em." Geez, I don't know why we were getting along so well today.

I just posted a bunch more books at Swappingtons. Those of you who are already signed up there should go see if you want any of them and those of you who aren't already signed up should sign up and list Eucalia as your referrer!

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