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2005-03-13 - 8:34 p.m.

After work today I was feeling completely anti-social. I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything. I pretty much just felt like laying down on the floor and going to sleep. But I couldn't because I had already told the random internet guy from earlier that I would go out with him this evening. So I very unenthusiastically gave him a call and he came to pick me up and take me out to dinner. I ended up having a lot of fun. It's weird. I mean, I don't think I was having fun because of him particularly, I mean, I'm still not particularly enthused about this guy, but I was just having fun being not by myself. It was a pretty quick evening. It was dinner and nothing else. We didn't rush through dinner or anything, but we didn't stay over long either. And afterwards he just took me home. There was no mention on his part of having had a good time or that he would contact me again ever. And if I never see him again I won't be sad, so I guess that's just fine. Anyway, I don't know, life is funny sometimes.

This morning, for the first time since moving here, my alarm didn't go off. I haven't investigated to find out why it didn't, all I know is that it was set to go off at 5 but I woke up at 6:44. I had to be at work this morning at 7. The funny part is that I made it to work on time. It helped that it's Sunday so I could go to work in slightly more casual attire than I would normally wear. It's also very nice that I get an hour for lunch (30-minute lunch plus two 15-minute breaks clumped into one super-lunch break) so I had a chance midway through the day to go home and take a shower and put my contacts in and all that good stuff.

Tomorrow I'm working the late shift. It's not even 9 yet and I'm already thinking about going to bed again. I have so much trouble transitioning from morning to evening shifts.

Yesterday I watched "The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" with Duke. I thought I would hate it, and I have to admit that I wasn't liking it too much until about 3/4 of the way through when suddenly I liked it very much. Yes, I definitely enjoyed that movie. It's made me think a lot. I like that. Too bad it's not a book.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: That's What I Like About Sunday - Craig Morgan
One Year Ago Today: Once we watched a lazy world go by

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