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It would be cherry

2005-05-03 - 7:39 a.m.

I just heard about this on the radio, brought to us by the folks at MIT: The Time Traveler Convention. That's right. It's happening May 7, 2005 at 10pm on the MIT campus. It only needs to happen once because everyone everywhen can come to this one. This page discusses in great length, though, how it's important that we, the people of now, publicize this event in permanent forms so that people of the future will know about it. "Carve it in a clay tablet," they say. This doesn't quite make sense to me. I mean, if this time traveler convention really happens, I'm sure there would be enough press coverage of every sort imaginable to publicize it and have it go down in fairly permanent history without me carving it in stone. True, this is somewhat paradoxical, but still...

Ok, so I haven't actually worked any graveyard shifts yet, but I've gotten myself onto the graveyard shift schedule. After staying up all Sunday night and not sleeping until noon Monday, I had absolutely no trouble falling asleep and getting in a good 8 hours until 8pm Monday evening. And I had no trouble staying up all Monday night and on into Tuesday (which is where I am now). I'm planning on going to bed at noon again and getting up at 8pm to go to work at 10pm tonight. I have so much trouble keeping track of which day it is and what time of day it is. After waking up at 8pm last night, I went upstairs to check my mail. When I passed somebody in the hall I said, "Good morning." They must think I'm a complete idiot.

This morning I went for a run around Green Lake as soon as the sun came up. My knees have been hurting since the half-marathon. Actually they were hurting a bit before that too, but the half-marathon made it worse. So yesterday I went out and bought one of those knee brace thingies and I wore it when I ran today. I'm not really sure if it helped or not.

Oh, I have exciting news! Yesterday when I went to the leasing office to pay my rent, I asked for a different parking space. I got one that's on the same floor as my apartment, which is nice, but more importantly, it's not next to a wall and the person on at least one side drives a small car like mine. I haven't seen anyone park in the space on the other side yet. I love my new parking space! It's so spacious! It's so easy to get into! It makes me want to drive around just so I can come back and park!

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: If Heaven - Andy Griggs
One Year Ago Today: Ain't nothin' but a funny, funny riddle

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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