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A dark, dizzy merry-go-round

2006-01-11 - 12:47 p.m.

Today is day 4 of the birth control pills. I've been feeling totally wonky. I'm hoping I can blame this on the pills and not just me being crazy. For starters, I'm an emotional mess. For example, I just finished catching up on my buddy list and I read this entry from Roadiepig. I got to the end where he described a 6th-grade basketball game and how the kids celebrated the achievements of a less-than-skilled teammate by carrying him off the court and I just started crying. I'm not talking about moist-eyed sniffling. No, I'm talking about sobs and tears pouring down my face. Um, yeah, weird.

And I've been nauseated. Yesterday I was so nauseated I couldn't keep anything down. Then I developed a headache that was so bad I could hardly open my eyes. Possibly this was due to caffeine withdrawal from not being able to eat, but I doubt it was to that extent. I couldn't keep any headache medicine down either. I went to work but was hating life and couldn't make myself smile. Finally, around 10pm, I was starting to feel better. And then a code was called. It wasn't a bad one (unless you were the guy coding), just respiratory arrest, but by the time it was done, the headache and nausea were back. Especially the nausea. I made it back downstairs to the pharmacy before having to run to the bathroom to throw up. Not that I had anything in me to throw up. Ugh.

Anyway, I slept forever this morning and so far today I seem to be feeling better. Physically, not emotionally. Hopefully I'll make it through work this evening without crying. Can I blame all this stuff on four days of birth control pills? Will these symptoms eventually just go away?

One Good Thing: I haven't thrown up today
Song of the Day: Nobody But Me - Blake Shelton
One Year Ago Today: No entry! :-(

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