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2006-01-08 - 10:58 p.m.

It's official: I've left my mid-twenties behind and am now in my late-twenties. So far so good, actually.

On Friday Lolo and I worked together. I was lead and it was rather horrible. I didn't get much sleep the night before (I tried, I just couldn't stay asleep), and I think because of that the stress was getting to me more than it normally would. When I try to think of what exactly went wrong that night, I can't think of anything too major, but I've never been so near to tears at work. I thought I was going to have a breakdown right there in front of everyone. I managed to keep myself together, but Lolo says it was pretty obvious that I was stressing. Ah well, I survived.

After work we went to Lolo's place and watched the season premier of Battlestar Galactica. I'd never seen it before...I can't say it did too much for me, but I guess it could grow on me. I spent the night there and in the morning Lolo took me back to my place.

I went for a 14-mile run and he went shopping and cooked dinner. I went over to his place for dinner. It was pretty good--stir fried veggies and tofu. We watched Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant, and James Stewart in "The Philadelphia Story" and then went to bed at his place for the second night in a row.

I set an alarm to get me up at 6:30 this morning so I could take my very first birth control pill. You know, they say that you should be very strict about taking bcp's at the same time every day, but I never hear about people setting their alarms to be sure they take them at the right time. Am I overdoing it? Most of the time I work starting at 7am, so taking the pill at 6:30am is entirely reasonable. But I can never really sleep in, then. I also read that the failure rate of bcp's is <1% for perfect use but more like 5% in reality. I tend to think I'd rather err on the side of caution. Suddenly 5% seems really high. At any rate, I'm officially in my late-twenties and officially "on the pill" as of today. I have to say, no noticeable side effects after just one pill. And while we're on the subject, I got the results from my PAP smear yesterday--I'm normal, yay!

Where was I? Oh yes, I took the pill and went back to bed with Lolo until my Mom called to wish me a happy birthday. This time I was prepared and put the phone right next to the bed so I could reach it without getting up. Imagine what my mom would think if she had known that I was in bed with Lolo while I was talking to her! We got up shortly after that, took showers, and ate breakfast. Then he drove me out to Volunteer Park where he took me up to the top of the water tower for the view and into the conservatory. Both were very neat. Then he drove me back to his place via Interlochen Drive, which is windy and narrow and hilly and very pretty. I packed up my stuff and went home then.

Tonight I had my first volleyball game of the season. I played ok, not stellar, but not completely horribly. I definitely have room for improvement. We ended up losing, but not by much, and the level of play is great--much better than the league I was playing in in Sacramento, but still fun. Lolo and I have recently been deciding that our relationship doesn't need to be a secret from work anymore. We don't need to make an announcement, but if it gets out that would be ok. So the first thing I did was to tell the intern who is on my volleyball team about Lolo and I. I did this because she is the only person who I actually lied to--basically straight up told her I'm not dating Lolo. I felt really bad about lying to her so by the end of the night I was finally able to work up the gumption to tell her the truth. Phew, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to. I asked Lolo if he was surprised that I had actually gone through with telling her and he said, "I wouldn't say I'm surprised...but I wouldn't have been surprised if you hadn't told her."

After the game I came home and showered and then Lolo came by to pick me up for dessert. We went out to a dessert restaurant on Broadway called Dilettante Chocolates Cafe. Yum yum! Afterwards Lolo drove me up to Kerry Park to fulfill my fantasy, heh heh. What can I say? For some reason it has always seemed to me that Kerry Park would be a wonderful place to be kissed. Turns out I was right! It was pretty cold and a little windy and it would've been better had it been a little less planned, but it was still very nice. He looked absolutely gorgeous there in the lights of the city. I told him I loved him (First! I said it first! I'm so full of gumption today!) and he told me he loved me too and then rested his forehead on mine and shut his eyes and smiled in a way that told me he really meant it. I am absolutely the luckiest girl ever.

One Good Thing: Dreams made flesh
Song of the Day: Jesus Take the Wheel - Carrie Underwood
One Year Ago Today: �Quieres bailar?

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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