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Up against that old oak door

2006-01-19 - 5:29 p.m.

I'm in the library this evening, logged onto a computer that's reserved starting in 15 minutes, so I'll have to make this somewhat quick. What am I doing in the library, you ask? No, neither my computer nor my home internet connection have died. I'm actually here for a lecture about George Washington. Am I interested? Not particularly. Never been much of a fan of history.

Pullitzer Prize winner Joseph J. Ellis is going to be giving a lecture regarding his new book His Excellency: George Washington. Lolo is a huge history buff. He loves to read biographies of old dead guys. He's working tonight. They're selling copies of this book tonight, and the author will be available to sign them. I'm thinking of buying one as a Valentine's Day present for Lolo. Hoo baby, am I romantic or what! Well, if Valentine's Day wasn't coming up I'd buy it for him anyway.

So today two pharmacists called in sick to work. I had mentally prepared myself to work the cushy MS3 shift. I'd brought in extra reading material to study during my spare time today. When I arrived, I noticed that Miko had switched me to working tele. So I started getting myself psyched up for a much more intense day. Then Blinky showed up and protested that I couldn't take her tele shift because she had a student to work with there today and I didn't need to do CCU because we have a highly competent resident there today. So I was back to MS3, only Miko was alone down in central because he'd moved the 8 shift up to MS2 so I offered to work the MS3 shift downstairs and pick up the slack as needed. Somehow that didn't work out quite as I'd planned. I ended up working a pretty busy 8 shift and fitting in my MS3 duties where I could. Whew, that was a lot of work! Actually, though, I quite enjoyed it, I like being busy. I'd much rather have too much to do than not enough.

The computer's telling me it's going to log me off in just a bit so I'd better run. Think I'll go work on "Saving Fish from Drowning." I've never read any of Amy Tan's other books, but I have to say I'm not enjoying this one so much. It's ok, but I really don't care at all what happens to any of these characters--not a single one is really likable. And what's up with being narrated by a dead person? So far it's not working for me. Ok, gotta go!

One Good Thing: I'm going to see Joseph J. Ellis
Song of the Day: I've Forgotten You - Rhonda Vincent
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