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Pictures and dream

2002-09-02 - 9:45pm

Once again I have messed around instead of making an entry here. What I really got accomplished was cleaning out my online photo album (at least somewhat) and uploading all of the pictures I have taken since June. Now its time for bed. Tomorrow I'm off to North East first thing to try to make people's lives just a little bit more pleasant. Hopefully it will go more smoothly than last week.

And this is my dream from last night. I was with Fluffy and Slick (fellow pharmacy residents) and the Mole (our boss, the pharmacy residency director). We were in a very large courtyard, off to one corner. There was lots of activity all around the coutyard but we weren't paying any attention. Instead, the Mole was trying to teach us (specifically me because I needed it the most) to play a game which would somehow hone some of our problem-solving skills. There was a really large sink on the corner of the courtyard and he had me get into it and crouch down on my hands and knees. The way the game worked (although I didn't really get it) is that one person outside the sink would show an object. The person inside the sink had to say the name of the object before the third person outside the sink could say it. Inside the sink I could not see out. All I could really see was Fluffy's pet lizard which was also running around in the sink. So after explaining the rules of the game, the Mole asked us if we understood. I didn't really--how was I supposed to know what the object was if I couldn't see it?--but Fluffy and Slick both said yes readily, so I went along with it, after all, how hard could it really be to figure out? Apparently the sink was just a demonstration place. He made me get out of the sink and then led us out of the courtyard to a big dry fountain outside. He made me get inside the fountain and then we started playing the game. Fluffy showed the object. Slick named it. I said nothing, I hadn't even seen the object. The Mole got mad and yelled at me telling me how stupid I was. I confessed to not understanding the game so the Mole told me to get out of the fountain and got in himself. Fluffy showed an object, the Mole, crouching in the fountain, named it before Slick could. I was still lost and feeling really stupid for not understanding, when all of a sudden I heard hoofbeats. I looked up and saw a large paint horse galloping towards me trailing a rope halter. I put up my arms and yelled, "Woah! Woah!" and managed to stop the horse. It was sweaty and out of breathe and was rolling its eyes terrifiedly. I put my arms around its neck and stroked it and said friendly, soothing things to it. It was starting to calm when a couple of men in ragged dirty clothes came running up. They angrily cursed the horse for running away from them and in general seemed like really bad men. I noticed that the horse was considerably more agitated when they were there. I still had my arms around its neck. Then the men started gruffly talking about how they were going to teach this horse a lesson for running away and I didn't like that at all. So I slapped the horse on the rump and yelled, "Yaw! Get out of here!" and the horse galloped away. Now the men were mad at me and said some very not nice things before resuming their chase of the horse. The Mole, Slick, and Fluffy were staring at me. I didn't feel like trying to learn the ridiculous game anymore so I ran away, too, back to the courtyard. They chased after me but I was so fast they couldn't catch me. I made it to the courtyard and I was in such good shape that I was hardly even out of breathe. But I had to go to the bathroom. I saw a toilet in the courtyard. I went to it, pulled down my pants and sat on it. At that point I realized that this was a busy courtyard and everybody could see me. If I sat really still and didn't bring attention to myself then nobody would notice me. But if I did my business or got up, then they certainly would. I didn't know what to do.

One Good Thing:
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