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Every time you sing to me on your guitar

2005-02-17 - 9:39 p.m.

Today after work I walked down to the post office and then over to the International District to do a little shopping for Asian goodies at the Asian market. For most things I like the other Asian market better, the one I have to drive to, but this one that's within walking distance (it's a mile and half away) has the best mochi. Their bakery makes red bean mochi that I adore. I don't know what it is with me and red bean, but I love it! And I wonder if mochi is something that an average person can make in an average kitchen. I'd like to learn how, if possible.

When I got home with my goodies, Duke picked me up and we went to see "Bride & Prejudice." Oh man, that was certainly entertaining. It was funny as heck and not always because it meant to be. And I didn't realize it was going to be a musical. I was sort of frightened the first time they started singing. I totally need to reread "Pride and Prejudice."

Today was sort of an up and down day for me emotionally. I should say down and up, actually. Last night I dreamed about the singer. I don't remember too much of the dream other than the fact that I was watching him at a concert. I woke up from this dream at 5. My alarm was set to go off at 6, but I couldn't get back to sleep. So I got up and wrote him a letter telling him everything that I was feeling--with no intention of actually sending it ever. I was feeling pretty low all morning. We had two pharmacists call in sick and nobody to help cover so it was very hectic and stressful at work this morning. I took a short lunch, but I checked my e-mail during lunch and discovered that the singer had written back to me (I e-mailed him a week ago) and he told me some stuff I wanted to hear. So then all afternoon I was in a better mood.

And then came the goodies and the fun movie and now I'm in a really good mood. I'm still tired though and I volunteered to go in to work an hour early tomorrow (7 instead of 8) for more sick call coverage so I'd better get myself to bed. But yay for overtime, right? I think I may volunteer to work the weekend, too, if they need me. I'd love it if I could make enough money to pay for my gums without changing my budget any!

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: What I Really Meant to Say - Cyndi Thomson
One Year Ago Today: We are his nightmares

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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