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2003-01-06 - 7:00 a.m.

Here I am at work on the first day of my new rotation. It actually hasn't started yet, which is why I am here. Generally I come in early to get a head start on my work for the day so that I can eventually go home at a somewhat reasonable hour. Usually by this time Flood has updated his diary and I can read that while my reports are printing out. But not today. And none of my other favorites have updated since nine o'clock last night either. Oh well, gives me a little chance to write something here this morning. Not that I have anything interesting to say.

Last Friday after I finished my entry here I took off to go to Flik's house. I ended up leaving here at 5:15 and arriving there at 7:30. Tigger was already there but the Babe had gotten a little lost en route so hadn't arrived yet. After the Babe got there we went out to dinner at The Sweet Tomato. It's a lot like Fresh Choice, but I like Fresh Choice better. That was fun, but it was getting late for me. They took me back to Flik's place and I took out my contacts and changed into my PJ's. Then we went into the living room and played games until we were all too sleepy to think effectively enough to play anymore and then we popped in a DVD. Tigger promptly fell asleep but the rest of us stayed up until it was over. Then we all crashed in Flik's room. Saturday morning I was awake before anyone else so I got up and took a shower. When I was done everyone else was up. We went out to breakfast at IHOP. We had tons of food. There was a rather geriatric couple sitting next to us and while we were sitting there stuffing ourselves with a huge breakfast Flik asked, "What are we going to do for lunch?" which cracked the old people up. We actually ended up skipping lunch. We went to the mall and wandered around a bit. We went to D&B's but none of us really felt like playing so we did some shopping instead. The only one who actually bought anything was Tigger, but I tried on a whole bunch of shoes. The retro style is really in these days. I'm not sure I like it, though. After a while we realized it was getting to be early dinner time so we drove across town to the other mall and put our names in at The Cheesecake Factory. There is always a really long line there. Our wait was about an hour. So we went shopping some more at the other mall. Again, the only one who bought anything was Tigger. The food at the Cheesecake Factory is really good, with the exception of their flowery iced tea. I ordered a salad and it was huge. I ate and ate and hardly made a dent in it. They boxed it up for me and I ate it for lunch yesterday too. I ate through my whole 30-minute lunch break (albeit with a lot of typing too) and still didn't make a dent in it. I tossed it after that though, didn't think it would last much longer. Then of course we had to order cheesecake. We ordered two slices to share among us and still didn't finish. But they were really yummy. Then we went back to Flik's place where we had the obligatory birthday party for me. I hate that. Whenever we get together over Christmas break, which is one of two times when we all usually have some spare time, we have to celebrate my birthday. I wouldn't mind if we didn't. But oh well. After that bit of party I had to be on my way. I left at 7:30 and was home at 10:00.

And now I must be on my way again. Wish me luck on SGI!

One Good Thing:
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8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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