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They don't brush their teeth as often as us, either

2003-02-04 - 9:52 a.m.

I think my head is trying to hatch. I wonder what will come out of it? A butterfly? A chicken? A stegosaurus? Light seems to make it intensify its efforts, though, which sucks because today is such a beautiful day.

Today is the one year anniversary of the day I interviewed for this residency position. I think the weather was very similar. I remember it was windy and my hair was messed up by the time I made it inside. I was wearing my blue suit, which I had never worn before. When I got here I was unimpressed with the hospital. On the first floor, the part I could see, the halls are very narrow and old looking. I was early. I didn't want to go inside early, so I was waiting out in the hallway. Then the Mole came out. I didn't know who he was, but he asked, "Are you Eucalia? Please, come in." So I followed him in. I had been asked to interview the week before. They had interview dates all month, but had asked me if I would be willing to interview on the first available date. I didn't want to end up here. I didn't want to move back home. I didn't think I was good enough to make it here anyway. So I said fine, I'd be there. I thought of it as a nice practice run for all the "real" interviews I had lined up for later in the month. Apparently they hadn't been able to rope anyone else into interviewing on the first day except one other person. This person was a UCSF student doing his clerkship rotations in the hospital so he already knew everyone and knew his way around the hospital. This person was none other than Fluffy. It really sucked having to share an interview process with someone who wasn't remotely nervous and already knew everything about everything. My actual thoughts after leaving that day were, "God, I hope I don't end up working with that dork." My opinion of him has since changed. I still think he is a dork, but now I know he is a nice dork, a good-hearted dork, a smart dork. The interview itself went mostly well. The only rough spot came up when they asked me a question to assess my knowledge. Of course, I didn't know the answer, because I am stupid. It wasn't something I just blanked on, I really didn't know the answer. The interview was only half a day long. It was the only residency interview that did not treat me to lunch. I left thinking that it was, indeed, a nice warm-up, but that was all. I never ever thought that I would end up here. With Fluffy. During the interview process the Mole told me that they usually match with someone from the top of their list, two people from the middle of their list, and someone from the bottom of their list. I wonder if that happened this year. I wonder which one I was. I wonder if they are disappointed.


Last night I was playing with this thing that a bunch of other people seemed to have been playing with yesterday too. It let's you make a model of youself. I tried it. The girl it came up with looked nothing like me. So I started doing other people. I did Stretch. I was amazed at how exactly like him it came out. Boys and girls, meet Stretch:

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day:
One Year Ago Today:

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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