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What I really need is an open road

2003-02-12 - 8:49 p.m.

The accreditators from ASHP are here today. At least they are supposed to be here and I have been given no indication that they aren't. I have to admit I've been avoiding them. I have nothing to say to them. Besides, I'm already being forced into a 90-minute interview with them at four o'clock this afternoon. I wasn't told about this until yesterday afternoon. I had to call Kevin at work and tell him I will probably be late to the game tonight. Hopefully the interview won't take the full 90 minutes. I can't imagine what we would talk about for that long.

I donated blood today. I haven't donated blood since July. Stretch and I used to go donate every 8 weeks in Stockton. But then he moved and then, well, you know, and I never got around to doing it by myself. But today I saw a sign saying that they were having a blood drive today so I went and rolled up my sleeve. I promised them I would eat lunch, though, and I didn't. Bad non-compliant me. Plus I am intending on playing ball tonight even if I'm late. I hope at least one other girl shows up on time. That would so suck if we hat to forfeit just because we don't have enough players when we are undefeated so far!


My interview with the accreditator ended up going for the full 90 minutes. It was definitely a waste of my time. I had everything all set and ready to go so as soon as we were released I grabbed my stuff and changed in the bathroom. Then I ran out to my car and drove like a crazy woman across town to the gym. I ran inside and got there just as they were about to serve the first ball. They had picked up a girl from some other team to fill in for me which meant that the game would have automatically been a loss for us had that ball been served before I had stepped on the court. Whew, just in the knick of time! We ended up winning all three games by a fairly large margin. Next week's game is the last game before the play-offs and we are playing the only other undefeated team, so it should be a good one. I'm looking forward to it.

One Good Thing:
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