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2003-02-16 - 12:37 p.m.

Today's entry may be the most boring entry yet. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Last night I had a very Signs-esque dream. I was in someone's house with my parents. I found three cardboard boxes full of floppy disks. Somehow I knew that these disks had information on them that the aliens wanted. The aliens were coming to get them. I couldn't let the aliens have them. I had to get my parents to leave, but they kept finding little things to do that delayed our departure. I was desperate to get out before the aliens got there but my parents just wouldn't leave.

Last night I finally watched this week's episode of Gilmore Girls which I had taped. It was actually really good. Jess had been getting on my nerves because he had been such a jerk recently. This week he was a jerk for the first half, but then Luke talked to him and he saw the light and was nice for the second half. And besides, you can hardly blame the guy. It would be pretty embarrassing to be given a black eye by a swan and Rory did jump to annoying conclusions. The bit with Lane and Dave's band was pretty funny too. Dave is really cool.

I also watched "Sweet Home Alabama." It wasn't as good as I expected. And I didn't expect it to be very good. But it did make me want to go to Quincy more. It made living in a small town look like fun. Especially if you lived in a small town where everyone is good-looking like that! Unfortunately, I don't think Quincy quite fits the bill.

Today's newspaper headline was regarding all the anti-war protests going on around the world. Just below the headline in big letters was a quote from some random person in the greater Sacramento area which said that millions of people are saying "Please, George, let's not go to war," or something along those lines. It just seems strange to me. Shouldn't they be saying "Please, Saddam?"

Today I cut my finger on a piece of Hershey's dark chocolate. Is that a sign?

Ok, I'm just going to point you towards a few random things which have kept me mildly entertained recently. Toothpaste for Dinner and Natalie Dee are both amusing artists. And I went to The Doll Palace where I tried to make a doll to resemble myself. This is what I came up with: If you imagine the bellybutton not showing and her not actually being pretty, it might look a little bit like me.

Guess I'll close with a quiz which I stole from Holly who stole it from Sammi who stole it from Kristen who stole it from Krista who remains linkless.

A- Appetizer of Choice: spam sushi (really, it's good!)

B- Best Friend: Flik or DeenPo

C- Choice of Meat: Chicken

D- Dream Date: snuggling someplace warm with a view

E- Exciting Adventure: going to NYC to see my friends

F- Favorite Food: lasagna

G- Greatest Accomplishment: graduating from pharmacy school five years after high school and passing the board on my first try

H- Happiest Day of your life: June 30, 2001 was a pretty good one

I- Interesting Fact: I weigh 6% more than my ideal body weight

J- Joke: Two atoms were walking down the street when one of them suddenly stopped and said anxiously, "I think I lost an electron!" The other atom, full of concern asked, "Are you positive?"

K- Kool-Aid: Not worth the calories

L- Lover: I don't have one at the moment

M- Marriage: Hopefully someday

N- Name: Eucalia

O- Obsession: Mel Gibson, books, country music, the internet

P- Pizza toppings: pepperoni and bell peppers

Q- Question Asked to you the most: "What are you going to do after your residency?"

R- Radio Station: 105.1 (Sac Country), 103.3 (Modesto Country), and 103.1 (Yuba City Country), depending on which one isn't playing commercials

S- Sex: female

T- Television Show: Gilmore Girls

U- Underwear: yup, a clean pair every day

V- Video: (almost) anything with Mel Gibson

W- Winter: fun!

X- X-ray: I've only had dental X-rays

Y- Year born: 1979

Z- Zodiac sign: Capricorn


On the way home today I decided to do a little photodocumentary of my commute. I know I'm a strange one. But it was such a beautiful day and there wasn't much traffic. Most of the pictures came out pretty badly, but I got a few good ones. I was also able to get one of my exit sign which allowed me to create a banner that I've had in mind for a while. I'm not going to actually release it until I have an entry at least a little bit more interesting than this one for people to come to. Here it is, what do you think?

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day:
One Year Ago Today:

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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