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You don't exactly scream "party animal"

2003-02-20 - 6:11 p.m.

Today is my sesquicentennial journal entry and we're going to celebrate! Yes, that includes you! I can see you over there getting excited and wondering how exactly we're going to celebrate. Well, I'll tell you how. Every single person that visits this page is going to have the thrill of signing my GuestMap! See? I told you this would be fun. And easy, too. In fact I'm going to put the button right here so you don't even have to scroll down to do it.

Whoo! That was fun, wasn't it? Ok, then let's get back to our usual programming.

Right. Usual programming. Oh, so last night I played a volleyball game. I didn't play particularly well. I didn't play horribly either, though. We won by a landslide. We played three games to 25 and the other team, previously undefeated, never scored more than 7 points in a game. So now we're the number one seed in playoffs which start next week. And the winners get pizza! Woo-hoo! Ha ha, geez, I was hoping for a T-shirt. That's ok, though, I like pizza. I can't even remember the last time I had pizza. Oh wait, yes I can. It was December 8, 2002. Plus I signed up to play in the next session of volleyball games.

In other news, geez, work really sucks sometimes. I feel like I'm being attacked from all sides. This is sort of a new experience for me.

First of all, the Mole has decided that his goal is to get me to "engage" more. Make me talk more. I swear the most horrible experiences in my life that don't actually involve people dying have all been caused by loud people trying to get me to talk more. We now have weekly discussions to see how I'm progressing. Maybe I should be happy about this. If the Mole happens to work a miracle and make me into a loud-mouthed, talk-first-think-later, extrovert maybe I really would be better off. It would probably make my life a lot easier. Loud people of the world could finally be at ease around me. But I really wish he would just leave me alone.

Then, last week, the Mole told me that he's received input from another pharmacist saying that I enter orders recklessly. Recklessly. Other than being one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard (more are upcoming), it's just so incredibly untrue. Of course when I first heard that I said, "Oh! Have things been entered wrong?" But I was assured that nothing had been entered incorrectly. So where did this accusation of reckless order entering come from? Apparently I don't ask enough questions. Seriously. Because I don't ask questions, even though I don't make mistakes, I am reckless. Is it just me or is that silly? Besides, I sit there consulting my reference books and Micromedex all day and I do ask questions when I can't find the answers myself. So now I have to ask lots of random questions just to keep people happy.

And finally today Tampon pulled me aside for a little chit-chat. Apparently the last time I worked ops, some nurse got pissed at pharmacy for being rude and unhelpful on the phone and is fingering me as the culprit. Last time I worked ops was February 1st. I can't remember back to everything I said to the nurses that day. I'm sorry, I just can't. There are four separate things she says I said to her during the day. I can tell you right off the bat that two of them there was no chance that I said. One because I did happen to hear who said it and the other because, well, I just wouldn't say that. It's so funny, too, because I am the last person in this pharmacy department that would be rude on the phone. And I don't think there's a single person in this pharmacy department who doesn't know that. And yet they're perfectly willing to accept these accusations. Oh, and get this, do you know how Tampon first approached me about this? I was passing by and she pulled me aside and said, "Hey, Eucalia, we had some nurses' complaints. When's the last time you had your vision checked?" Of course I was thinking, "What the fuck?" but instead I just said, "Why?" I was thinking back to fourth grade when my teacher accused me of squinting to see the board and sent me to the nurse's office to get my vision checked leading to the subsequent horror of going through adolescence wearing glasses. Have the nurses seen me squinting at stuff around here? How nice of them to be concerned... But it turns out one of the statements I am accused of telling a nurse when she complained about an order being missed is that it needs to be clearer because my eyesight is not good. There is no way I told a nurse that. But it doesn't matter. Since when do I matter? I'm a great scapegoat. So I told Tampon that I honestly don't remember what happened that day, my vision is fine, and I will try harder in the future to be very polite and helpful on the phone, but oh, by the way, the tech who happens to have the same name as me was working that day, too, just a thought. I think I will see if I can get the name of the nurse so I can go up and apologize to her. Hey, anything I can do to help nursing/pharmacy relations. Maybe I should squint while I'm doing it.

But I survived my dentist appointment today and my teeth are all sparkly clean now. Of course I have to go back for a filling. Apparently I have a fracture in one of my teeth. Why couldn't I have been born with the genes for real teeth that don't fall apart?

OK, so you see I'm not exactly the happiest little pharmacist at the moment. But do you know what would cheer me up? I'll give you a has to do with my GuestMap...

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