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Get me in a damned plane!

2003-04-17 - 9:23 a.m.

I'm so excited I can hardly sit still! Today is the last day before my vacation officially begins. Would you like the itinerary for my vacation? I spend all day tomorrow flying from here to Baltimore. I meet the Babe in the airport and we go to our hotel. Saturday we go to Tigger's Master's violin recital and hang out with her the rest of the day. Sunday morning we hop a train to New York City and watch Flik's Master's piano recital. Then we hit the highlights of the city until Wednesday when we hop back on the train to Baltimore. We pick up Tigger and see Washington DC and whatever else we can think of in the area until Saturday when we fly back home. And then Sunday I have to work a 12-hour ops shift. Wooh! That's nine days of fun-filled, action-packed vacation starting in as little as 19 hours! I will bring a notepad with me, but I don't anticipate having much spare time to write entries while I'm gone.

But I will take pictures. And speaking of pictures, I still haven't posted the ones I took in Monterey. I did download them from my camera, though. I took 255 pictures! That, my friends, is the reason I have a digital camera and not a real one with film that needs to be developed. Of course if I had a real one I wouldn't take nearly as many pictures, but I like to snap away just in case any of them come out nice. In this case, a lot of them didn't come out so well because I was mostly shooting inside an aquarium. It's hard to get the flash not to reflect or the camera not to focus on the scratches in the glass. Plus the flash doesn't penetrate very far into dark water. Speaking of not being able to see very far into dark water, look, they changed the angle of the Outer Bay Cam at the Monterey Bay Aquarium website so you can see better. Neato. Anyway, I'm planning on posting some of the better pictures at Eucalia's Place this evening. Due to limited space though, I have been taking all the old pictures down to make way for the new, so if you want to see those, hurry! If I don't get the chance to post them tonight, I apologize, but I do have to pack tonight, after all. I got a compliment from Roadiepig about my pictures today. That makes me really happy for two reasons. First, since he takes such wonderful pictures, I consider his comment to be quite a compliment indeed. And second, now I know that at least somebody is looking at my pictures (can't put a stats tracker on that page)!

Last night I had another volleyball game. Hoo boy was that fun! Dave was on vacation this week and he is arguably our best player, plus we played one of the best teams in the league. I'd never played this team before because I missed the game we played against them last season. They are the only team that beat us last season. All of the players on their team are about my age, I'd guess, mid-twenties. The guys are all big and are always wearing shirts that say "Sac State Volleyball" on them. I don't know if they played for Sac State or if they are just fans or what. I sorta hope they didn't play for Sac State, because if they did, Sac State's team is really going downhill. These guys really didn't have many skills. They basically bulled their way through it and the ref was lax about calling lifts and doubles. We played three really close games, but we ended up winning them all. In the last game they even had game point, but we managed to pull it off. Phew! We also got our T-shirts from winning last season. They're kind of an olive green color and they're really nice. Mine's a little big, though. Oh well.

Oh, yes, I have something else to share with you before I forget. This was actually sent to me by Zed, a guy who enjoys sending me jokes and webpages with sexual themes just because he knows they make me blush. This one, though, I actually thought was funny. It's a video, so I apologize to those of you with slower connections. I thought about posting this yesterday as my Pieces of You entry inspired by Wyndspirit Dreams because in real life she appears to go by the nickname "B.J." but I thought that might be a little inappropriate and she probably wouldn't appreciate it. At any rate,here it is. And by the way, it's not X-rated.


Ok, everybody, new pictures are up at Eucalia's Place. They're not labeled, but they're up. I'm off on my grand adventure now. Bye bye!

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Thinkin' 'Bout Babies - Tracy Byrd
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