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My lips are on fire

2003-04-23 - 4:17 p.m. (Maryland Time)

I can hear you thinking. You're thinking, "Holy Mackerel, what's Eucalia doing writing an entry? Isn't she, like, gone?" Indeed, I am. Gone. And so happy I can hardly stand it. Right now I'm at the University of Maryland (for those of you on my buddy list who may have seen hits from UM on your stats tracker, don't get excited, it's just me) sitting in the Performing Arts Library. The Babe is using a computer behind me (and hopefully not reading this since she doesn't know about this journal). Tigger just picked us up from the Amtrak station and we went out to lunch before she had to go to orchestra rehearsal so dropped us off here to play in the library. I haven't been writing entries. I started one Friday night but pretty much all I wrote was, "I'm in Maryland! I'm tired, I don't feel like writing now..." So, yeah, I'm not going to bother typing that up. But anyway, wanna hear about my trip so far?

So I got up at 3:30 Friday morning, showered, and drove with my mom to the Sacramento airport. Got on the airplane at about 6:30. As I sat down I looked around and was happy to see that there were no little kids around me so my trip would likely be a quiet one. Then, at the last minute, a woman entered the plane with a baby in her arms and two other very young children. They sat in the row just behind me. *Sigh* I had a layover in Minneapolis, my first...ha ha, woops, Tigger is done with orchestra rehearsal early so I will continue this later!

Just kidding, she was only on break, I have another hour here. Anyway, yes, that was my first visit to Minnesota. I didn't see much, though. It was overcast so flying in and out all I could see was clouds. And there wasn't much to see from the airport either. I had about an hour to wait, but walking from one concourse to the other to catch the connecting flight and using the restroom took up most of the time. I only read about a page in my book before boarding the plane. The flight from Minneapolis to Baltimore was even more uneventful. I arrived in Baltimore around 4:30pm local time. I waited until about 5:30 for the Babe's plane to get in. Then we waited until about 6:30 for Tigger to get to the airport after orchestra rehearsal. Between 6:30 and 7:30 we talked and munched on french fries until Tigger's family got in. Then Tigger drove us all to a hotel in College Park where the Babe and I unpacked in our room and decided what to wear to the upcoming recitals. The next morning we slept in until 9am local time. Just enough time to shower and still make it downstairs to pick up something from the continental breakfast before it closed. Then Tigger drove us over to her house where her auntie entertained us while Tigger got dressed for her recital. Her recital was awesome. Tigger is very modest, if you were to ask her how she did, she would say not so good, but it's not true. She rocks. She played an unaccompanied Bach piece and then a Beethoven and Wienowski. I don't remember the names of the pieces off the top of my head. I was familiar with the Bach, but not the others. Oops, gotta go again. More later!

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Ye Ye Pao De Cha - Jay Chou
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8 weeks, 3 days
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