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Shiny side up, greasy side down

2003-05-02 - 9:21 a.m.

Sacramento generally has three kinds of weather. Fog in the winter, scorching dry heat in the summer, and gray drizzles in between. Today is one of the gray drizzly days. For some reason Sacramento never learned how to rain properly. It can rain here for a week and we'd be lucky to get a half inch of rain. That's why when by some fluke it does rain, everything floods. Gotta love this place.

It's always interesting to see the google searches people do which point them to me. Usually I can only think how disappointed those people must be when they come here. Recently I had two hits which I found interesting. First was someone who found me by searching for "Ye Ye Pao De Cha," my song of the day when I posted in Maryland. It's, obviously, a Chinese song and it was written and sung by Jay Chou. That's currently one of Tigger's favorite songs and we listened to it over and over again in her car. The other hit was sort of scary, in my opinion. Someone found me by searching for...well, for sake of preserving my identity, searching for a word which would almost invariably lead directly to me. It's a semi-made-up word that I use with one or two of my friends occasionally. Who would search for such a word other than possibly one of the three of us? I have no idea, but this person was from West Virginia according to my stats tracker. Scary. At least they haven't come back.

Guess what! I have tickets to see Hugh Jackman tomorrow! In my book there's Mel Gibson and then there's Hugh Jackman very close behind. Hugh has the advantage of not being old with a million kids. Of course I prefer him as Leopold to Wolverine, but hey, I take what I can get.

Yesterday I managed to cause a big ordeal at work. Actually, I probably caused it Monday, but I didn't know about it until yesterday. As you may or may not know, I have a rather large research project that I am working on. I use the term "working on" loosely, because mostly what I am doing with it is procrastinating. But anyway, I have to give a presentation about this project at a large meeting of all pharmacy residents from the western U.S. in approximately 18 days so I'm thinking I should start working on it. Yes, this is the same project I've been saying I should start working on for the last, oh, nine months. Anyway, I finally talked to the Mole and got him to get me a borrower's code so I could borrow medical records from HIM (Health Information Management). He gave it to me on a scrap of paper. It was a star followed by five digits. Silly me, I didn't realize that the star was part of it. When I was ordering the charts online I just put in the digits which turns out to be somebody else's code. So that confused HIM to no end. Apparently the fact that I had also listed my name, department, and phone number did not help them contact me to straighten things out. So I went to HIM yesterday to look at the charts and we finally got the wrong-code issue worked out and when they ask me, "Do you have an IRB number?" Me: "Um, no." "Oh, well you can't look at charts without an IRB number." So they call Milkshake who is technically in charge of my project and he tells me that he doesn't think it's necessary to look at charts, we can get the information we need from the pharmacy computer. So at this point Milkshake is impressed with me for what he sees as going the extra mile, the HIM people are scared of me because they think I'm going to get mad at them for not letting me look at the charts I ordered, and I'm just feeling like an idiot for causing such a hullabaloo and not knowing that I could get the information I need from the computer on the residents' desk. If I had known that, I would've started this months ago. Really.

But anyway, I think I'll turn my attention to the . I actually like this week's questions:

1. Name one song you hate to admit you like.

"Goodbye Earl" - Dixie Chicks

2. Name two songs that always make you cry.

"The Dance" - Garth Brooks and "Love, Me" - Collin Raye

3. Name three songs that turn you on.

"Thinkin' 'Bout Babies" - Tracy Byrd, "I Believe in You" - Don Williams, and "Long, Slow, Beautiful Dance" - Rascal Flatts

4. Name four songs that make you feel good.

"Katy Wants a Fast One" - Steve Wariner and Garth Brooks, "I Have Confidence" - Julie Andrews, "Get Off of My Back" - Bryan Adams, and "Who's Your Daddy" - Toby Keith

5. Name five songs you couldn't ever do without.

"Cowboy Take Me Away" - Dixie Chicks, "I Love the Way You Love Me" - John Michael Montgomery, "Someday, Somewhere, Somehow" - Billy Ray Cyrus, "Keeper of the Stars" - Tracy Byrd, and "The Greatest Man I Never Knew" - Reba McEntire

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: 'Til Nothing Comes Between Us - John Michael Montgomery
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