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"Smith" will suffice

2003-05-31 - 8:35 p.m.

I got to sleep in this morning. Sometimes I forget how much I enjoy that. And my other luxury for the day? I shaved my legs. My dresscode at work doesn't include shorts and I'm boyfriend-free, so if I don't shave my legs, nobody knows. And I'm lazy, therefore...yeah. Sometimes I forget how much I love that smooth freshly shaven feeling, too. Ah!

So I saw the new Matrix film today. Honestly, I wasn't too keen on going. I thought the first movie could easily stand alone. Sequels were not planned with the original movie, I don't think. The sequels were, in my opinion, the opposite of what the original movie purported to stand for. That said, the sequel was better than I expected. I enjoyed it.

Tomorrow I'm up for another 12-hour ops shift. Lucky me, they're upgrading the computer system tomorrow. For 8 hours. Most of what I do on ops is entering orders into the computer. I have no idea what I'm going to do during the 8 hours when the computer is down. What I do know is that I'm going to have to pull off 12 hours of work during the 4 remaining hours of my work day. Cool. Bring it on.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Rent - Rent
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