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The door is that way

2003-06-01 - 8:42 p.m.

I have officially fixed my computer. You know how I was always complaining about how often my computer freezes? It would freeze all the time for no reason which I could discern. It would freeze when I left it alone or it would freeze while I was in the middle of working on something. Well, two days ago I unclicked the "Enable Hibernation" box and it hasn't frozen since. Right on.

My 12-hour ops shift with computer system downtime wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. The other pharmacist working with me today was Shan Yu who isn't lazy at all about doing work. In fact I sort of have to fight to keep him from stealing my work. The computer was only down from 8 to 1 and it took us maybe an hour and a half to catch up on all the orders. While they were down we had to do everything by hand, which was a pain, but it was slow so it wasn't too big of a deal. There were no disasters. I took a picture of where I work on my ops shifts. The picture is purposefully narrow-angled in an attempt to describe how I feel. Trapped. That's my world there on ops, the computer and the fax.

Want to hear my depressing hospital story for the day? There's a kid in one of our ICU's who is 19 years old. He was out playing soccer with his friends and he broke his neck. He is now a quadriplegic. He can't even breathe on his own. Ugh. All he can do is lay in his bed staring at the ceiling as he listens to the respirator pump his lungs.

But in other news, this week is Random Guestbook Signing Week! I signed a few random guestbooks today. I also signed some not so random guestbooks just for the fun of it. And so far one has signed back. Thanks Cathie!

Last night I had so much difficulty sleeping. Usually sleeping is one of my specialties. But last night I tossed and turned for hours. And today I was so tired. And my day was so not stimulating. I could hardly keep my eyes open. And now here I am and it's already 37 minutes past my bedtime. Why do I do these things to myself? Why?

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: The Truth About Men - Tracy Byrd
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