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Slicker than snail snot

2003-07-31 - 7:36 p.m.

As I sat here and filled in the song of the day, which, by the way, used to be defined as the song I was singing on my way out to my car before work every morning, but is now loosely defined as some song I remember being stuck in my head early in the morning, I realized that my song of the day is actually oddly appropriate. Today is technically, sort of, Harry Potter's 16th birthday. So there you go.

But the main thing I wanted to point out to you today is my project of the day. Yes, scroll down, do you see something new? As I've been wanting to do for quite some time now, I added a section regarding the books I'm reading. It starts with the book I finished most recently. If you click on the book itself it will take you to a place where you can purchase the book. I will also try to post a review of each book I read, which will consist of a few of my thoughts on the book; I won't promise anything too profound. The next book is the book I'm reading now. If you click on the book it takes you to a place to purchase it. I haven't thought of anything else to do with the book I'm reading now. And lastly is the part where I decide what I'm going to read next. I always like suggestions on new things to read so anytime you come up with an idea, feel free to e-mail me or sign my guestbook. Due to my highly limited HTML skills, what you're looking at there took me quite some time to do. It will most likely be modified as time wears on.

One of my other major projects for the day was working on posting and labeling the pictures from my trip. They are now all officially posted. And I've managed to label half of them. That leaves about 350 more to be labeled. If you'd like to take a gander at these pictures, let me know and I'll tell you where they are. Otherwise, hold tight and hopefully within the next few days I'll finish up an entry regarding my trip which will have just a few pictures in it.

Through the laziness of my day I also managed to get on the horn and talk to some of my friends. I called Deenpo and we decided that I would go down to her place on Saturday to hang out with her and one of our other Pharm.D. type friends who is still in the area. Then I called Doodle because I haven't heard from her in quite some time. She got a full-time job in Modesto and just moved into an apartment in Turlock. As far as I know, there is absolutely nothing of interest in Turlock. But I suggested that she throw a shindig at her place and invite our other mutual friends and she agreed. Flick and the Babe have already agreed to come, so now we're only waiting to see if Tigger can make it. I'm glad I'll get a chance to see everyone again before they head off for grad school and I go out and face the real world.

And then, of course, there's always surfing the net to fill my time. First of all I took a peak at Heather's journal today and saw pictures of her baby chinchillas. And she was right, it just made me want one. But then I thought of the results of sticking one of the little fellas in a box and shipping it from way over there on her side of the continent to way over here on mine and decided that wouldn't be such a good idea after all. Oh well, no chinchilla for me.

I also ran across another journal which I find very interesting. This person is a medical student just starting to move into the hospital setting. She is compassionate and brainy and most importantly, she can write. Check her out at Intueri. I wish there was a way to add non-Diaryland users to my Diaryland buddy list.

And finally, I came across a site for a group called Women Travelling Together. It's an organization that provides group travel opportunities for women who either a) have no friends or b) have no friends who are interested in travelling with them. I thought that looked pretty cool. I know I'm a bit younger than most of the women who have been taking part in these expeditions so far, but it still looks neat. If my social life keeps up at the pace it is going right now, I'm likely to be single for quite a long time and this could be fun. The trips they offer range from the fairly mundane to the pretty darn cool. Hey, any of you girls out there want to go on a trip with me?

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Happy Birthday, Sweet Sixteen - Neil Sedaka
One Year Ago Today:

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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