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2003-10-03 - 11:42 p.m.

I just spent many hours working on a new page for my book reviews. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Geez, Euc, I haven't read a single one of your book reviews and I doubt anybody else has--why are you spending so much time and effort on them?" I thought that nobody was reading them either, but today I discovered that at least one person out there has read at least one of my book reviews at least once. Well...she noticed that I have book reviews at the very least. So I went and checked out her journal and discovered that she has a whole page devoted solely to her book reviews! Woah, cool! I wanna play too! Thanks to Cathy for noticing me and for the inspiration! My book reviews can now be found at BooksEucalia and someday soon I'll make a cooler link to it from this page. And sorry about the cheerleaders--they were just too ridiculously enthusiastic for me not to use!

Other than that, I haven't done too much today. Basically all I did was the laundry, mailed Doodle's birthday present (shockingly on time!), and went to the bank. I tried to mow the lawn but I couldn't get the lawnmower to start. Next season we're definitely buying a new lawnmower. In the meantime...well, it starts every once in a while.

I'm going back to Grampa's house tomorrow and will be spending the weekend there. I'm pretty sure I'll be back Sunday evening, but possibly I won't be back until Tuesday. I have to be back to vote!

OK, I need to go to bed now, but you guys should all head over to BooksEucalia and admire it and then give me ideas about how to make it better!

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: In Another World - Joe Diffie
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