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Come down now, they'll say

2005-03-31 - 8:31 p.m.

As expected, today was not code-free at work. Actually, that's not entirely true. Two codes were called, but no one truly coded. The first one was some poor guy passed out in the valet parking area out front when he tried to get out of his car. Basically if someone falls down on hospital property a code will be called just to be on the safe side. At any rate, the guy had to be lifted onto a gurney and rolled off to the ER, but no drugs were administered so my role was pretty much nonexistant. The second code was called in radiology, but by the time I got there (the pharmacy is down in the basement a million miles from anything) it had already been canceled so I have no idea what happened for that one. So I've now responded to two codes but not actually done anything. Really, though, it's a start. For some reason I'm slightly less scared of them.

When I actually start training up on the floor, Minnie is going to be in charge of training me. Today she gave me several inches of reading material I need to get through before we start. She also had me take another written test. She said that this one is to evaluate my knowledge before training so that they know which areas to focus on and then after training I'll take it again just to be sure I've learned something. Anyway, this one was short. Only 11 questions and all multiple choice. It was also closed-book. So at one point during the day I stepped aside from the work area and took the quiz in about 5 minutes. I don't know, my attitude towards multiple choice tests has always been that I either know it or I don't. Sitting there staring at the question is unlikely to change anything. So I ended up getting 8 out of the 11 correct. 73%. Minnie told me that was good, but I wish I had done better. On the other hand, I'm very glad I didn't do worse.

My shift today overlapped with Kitten's for an hour so I had a chance to ask her about her half-marathon. She said it went pretty well, but I was mainly interested in possibly joining her in the future. She seemed really excited when I told her I wanted to run one with her. Her next one is coming up in less than two weeks so obviously I'm not doing that one, but she said she'd bring in a list of future races and we could pick one. I'm excited about that.

So today after work I drove over to Green Lake and jogged around the inner loop twice. So that's 5.6 miles. Unfortunately, it was raining, but that doesn't slow people down around here. To a Seattleite the bad thing about rain isn't that you get wet, it's that it cuts down on visibility. One of the many reasons I love Seattle. Anyway, I took the first loop pretty slowly to try to save myself to be sure I could do a second loop, but I was still feeling pretty good at the end of the second loop so I'll have to push a little harder earlier next time. When I was done I felt like I could've run farther except that I was starting to develop blisters on my feet. Ah well. I'm planning on getting up fairly early tomorrow to run around the lake (just once) before work because I'm going out with RCG (Random Computer Guy) tomorrow evening.

So tomorrow is my first weigh in day since restarting the diet. I'm excited about that because I'm fairly certain I've lost weight this week. How could I not, though? I definitely increased the amount of calories I burned and I definitely decreased my calorie intake. Besides, usually the first week is the easiest for losing weight. The pounds that come off during the first week didn't really want to be here anyway. They were just here looking around and checking out the place. It's the pounds that have settled in and unpacked that are harder to get rid of.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Don't - Shania Twain
One Year Ago Today: No entry! :-(

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