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My thoughts fold you up

2005-03-30 - 8:26 p.m.

Oh man, I'm tired. I just recently got back from doing a little rockclimbing down at REI. This is actually my third time doing it. The first time was the day after my gum surgery and I went with three of my co-workers, Kitten, Scooter, and Lolo. Lolo was the only guy among us and I was the only one who had never climbed before. Scooter, Lolo and I all did the same 5.5 climb. I made it to the top pretty handily. Scooter made it up also, but Lolo didn't. Kitten attempted the 5.7, but she didn't make it up either. Last week I took my dad there. He's never climbed before either. He did the 5.5 and had a lot of fun doing it although he made it up pretty easily. I attempted the 5.7. I made it up, but only because the guy belaying me wouldn't let me quit. I had to just hang there in my harness and rest several times before I made it to the top. I just had no grip strength left, especially in my left hand. So today I went back with Kitten and Scooter. Lolo didn't come but another of my fellow pharmacists, Deep, came. She's a fairly experienced climber--she brought her own shoes and tied her own knots and everything. Deep did the 5.7 and made it, although she also stopped to hang for a while. The rest of us did the 5.6 and we all made it up. I had to stop and rest, but was able to do it while still holding on to the wall. My forearms were sure tired when I finally made it though. What a fun feeling, though, to actually be able to finish it!

Other than the rockclimbing, not much happened of note. It was another very slow day at work. I would definitely prefer just a tad more action there. Coming up in the not too distant future I'm going to be working a week of graveyard shifts. The hours suck, of course, but the worst part is the fact that I will be the only pharmacist in the whole hospital. It's kind of scary to think that they trust me to run the hospital. This is no dinky little Podunkville hospital I'm talking about! The general consensus seems to be that I can handle it just fine as long as I get a little more practice attending codes first. So since Monday I've been required to go to every code and be the pharmacist in charge of pulling meds. I'm going to totally jinx myself here by typing this, but since Monday there hasn't been a single code while I've been on duty. I wish I wasn't so scared of going to these. I guess the only way to get over being scared is to actually go, but dang, I swear every time I hear the little click of the hospital loudspeaker turning on my heart stops beating until I hear that the announcement being made is not a code being called.

After work today I jogged around Green Lake again. I took the outer loop in the opposite direction. No rainbows today. No rain, even. Just lovely sunshine. And I rewarded myself with two chapters from my book instead of just one. I hope I really get into this jogging thing again. Kitten recently ran a half-marathon. I keep forgetting to ask her how it went. I also want to ask her if she's planning on doing any more. I was thinking of maybe signing up to run one with her if she is and it's far enough away that I can actually do a bit of training. It would at least give me a more tangible goal to shoot for. Although it's definitely quite a leap from my 5k Green Lake loop to a half-marathon. A half-marathon is 13 miles, right? Or is it a little more than that? Anyway, if I do the outer Green Lake loop four times that's 12.8 miles. Pretty close. I don't know, we'll see.

Oh, did I mention that the REI climbing wall in Seattle is 65 feet tall and the second tallest in the world? Yeah, just thought I'd mention that. No wonder my arms are worn out by the time I get to the top, right?

So, also on my mind quite a lot these days has been the singer. His tour is bringing him back through Seattle a week from Friday. I'm almost embarrassed to talk about him really because I think I'm totally insane when it comes to him. For multiple reasons. First of all there's the whole thing with us being completely not in each other's leagues. I mean, we're just really, really different. Second, there's the fact that he travels and is only passing through so the most we could really have would be some sort of quick fling. And third, I haven't heard from him since last Thursday so I'm getting the feeling he's not so interested after all. Despite all these things, I can't seem to stop daydreaming about him. I keep making little plans for things that will never happen. For example, he's relatively nearby at the moment, in Oregon, so I have all these plans of things we could do together this weekend. I know, it's so dumb. But there you go. I called him Saturday and left him a voice mail message. I don't know why he hasn't called back. And I'm in this dilemma now of whether or not to call him again or wait for him to call me. Ack.

Oh, remember the random computer guy? He called me last night. Right as I was about to go to bed. We ended up talking for about half an hour and then made plans to get together Friday night. Now why can't I have a crush on a guy like this who actually calls me?

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Homewrecker - Gretchen Wilson
One Year Ago Today: No entry! :-(

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