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2004-01-05 - 8:24 a.m.

So I've started a diet in earnest. I've talked about them before, but I was never serious. Now I am. I never really talk about my weight on here, other than saying that I'm fat, because it's something I'm really embarrassed about. Today I went to this Body Mass Index calculator and found out that my BMI is 24.1, which, according to this page, is "in normal range" and at the 54th percentile according to my age and height. My goal is to get down to 150 pounds. Or even better, I'd like to get down to 145, but I don't know how realistic that is. I can't even remember the last time I weighed 150 pounds. Probably like junior high or something. Anyway, it's going to happen. 150 here I come.

So I thought I'd make a list of things to do today and then see how many of them I accomplish. Today will be the first day that my parents are back to work so I will have time to myself again.

1. Go to my follow-up optometrist appointment
The whole reason I originally went to my optometrist back in October was because I noticed that vision in my left eye was getting really blurry. After months and months of experimenting on me, my optometrist decided that gas permeable lenses should correct my vision problems. It turned out that gas permeable lenses are horrible torture, but I stuck it out and I'm slowly getting used to them. I can now wear them for eight or nine hours a day and I sometimes go for hours without thinking about them. That sucks, but it's better than it used to be. Yesterday I started noticing that my vision in my left eye is getting blurry again. This is not making me happy at all. I happen to have a follow-up appointment scheduled for today and I'm going to mention this to my optometrist, but this gas permeable lens thing was already a last ditch effort so I'm fairly sure there's nothing she can do. But I don't want to be a glasses girl!

2. Mail the Babe's present
The Babe's birthday was in June. For some reason I never get her present to her on time. Last year I gave her present to her in April (ten months late, not two months early). I don't know what my problem is. I'm going to try to knock that down to seven months late this year by mailing out her present today.

3. Jog
This is part of my new weight loss plan. I've been going on (nearly) two mile walks every day, but I'd like to get into better shape than that. Today will be my first jog in months. I'm not planning on making it long, I'm just planning on making it. In fact, my main goal is to make it to the corner without slowing to a walk. I'm serious. I'm that out of shape.

4. See if I can locate and set up my dad's webcam
Well, yesterday Zed set up his webcam and it just seemed like it could be fun. I know my dad has one somewhere that he never uses so I want to see if I can find it and make it work. Whether or not I actually use it will depend entirely on tomorrow's self-consciousness level.

5. Study!
Yes, I'm going to do it! I've been talking about it for months but I'm through with talk. It's time for action! Especially since the Babe wants to go visit Tigger in LA soon and I promised her I'd go with her. I'd love to take the test before I go. Gee, does that sound familiar? This time it's for real!

Hmmm...yes, I think that ought to cover it.


I just got back from my optometry appointment. Guess what? My contacts don't fit! Duh! Isn't that what I've been saying since day one? She's ordering me a new pair that are bigger. If she wasn't such a nice person I would have serious problems with this optometrist.

Ok, I'm off for a jog's hoping I make it back without keeling over first!


Ready for update number three today? I'm back from my jog. Not only that, but I'm not dead. Cool stuff, eh? Ok, so I finished my jog today in 20:30. Afterwards I drove my car around the loop so I could look at the odometer and see how far I went. It was 1.8 miles. Let's do a little math here...that's an average of an 11:23 mile. Hoo-boy do I suck! But at the same time, hey, I did it.

The worst part, though, was that a beagle followed me home. Then, it ran around my yard and refused to be caught so I could read its tag. Finally I coaxed it close enough that I could grab its collar. I found out her name is Molly. Molly, unfortunately, had no address, although she did have a phone number. Of course my phone was inside and Molly had really muddy paws, but if I let go of Molly she was very likely to run off. So I carried her inside and grabbed my purse and then carried them both outside. Holding on to Molly's collar with one hand, I fished my phone out of my purse with the other. Of course her owners didn't answer the phone. So I decided I would just take her back up the street and hope for the best--that she would go home by herself or a neighbor would help me out or something. As I was walking up the street, an old man drove down the street in an old car. "She belongs at that house on the corner," he called out to me. I smiled and said, "OK, thanks!" "But her owners aren't home. They haven't been home for a week. Their fence is down. I've had her in my yard all week." "Oh," I said, "Would you like to take her back to your place, then?" "No!" he growled, "I'm sick of her!" and he floored it, wheels screeching down the street. Then Molly ran off the other direction. I wasn't sure what I should do. Chase her down? But then what? What would I do with her once I got her? And she wasn't particularly fond of coming to me when I called anyway. She was out of sight already, so I walked back home. Ergh. I really hope she stays out of the street and I really hope her owners come home and take care of her!

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Let Me Touch You For a While - Alison Krauss
One Year Ago Today: Laughter from a dunce

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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