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2004-01-22 - 9:30 p.m.

Tonight I had a volleyball game. We won. But better yet, I played well. What was the difference between this week when I played so well and last week when I sucked so badly? I don't know. Maybe it was because the game was two hours earlier so I was still awake. Maybe it was because my body is in one-week's-worth-of-exercise better shape. Maybe it was because the competition was better and I have a crazy tendency to play at the same level as the competition. Maybe it was because there's a better hormonal balance in my body. Maybe it was because the planets were in the correct alignment. Who knows? Whatever the reason, I played a lot better and that made the game a whole lot more fun. I played well enough that complete strangers were complimenting me after the game. I have to say that made me feel really damn good.

And there's a possibility that my team might be moved up a league again. We were moved up before and really it doesn't seem like the games have gotten more competitive. But apparently there's a team in the next league up that's getting killed right now and the guy in charge wants to switch my team with that team. I've seen those teams play and I have to say if we play in that league and it's still not competitive, it won't be the other teams' fault. I don't know whether the switch will really happen, but I'm all for it.

This morning I slept in a bit, but not as late as yesterday. I got up and ran 2.6 miles in 30:24, which is over a minute faster than last time I ran that particular loop. Remember when I used to be able to run 5k in less time? I do. I'm going to get back there someday. Actually, I remember when an easy jog would bring me a mile in 7:58 every time. That's what I'd like to be able to do again. I'm still a very long way from that, though.

Today I also did a bit of grocery shopping and made it through the self check-out stand without assistance. That always makes me happy. I also had an optometrist appointment during which I was told that everything is looking good. She gave me a prescription for these contacts in case I need to order more someday and sent me on my way without an appointment to come back. It's a miracle, I can see. When I first got these gas permeable lenses I had serious doubts that I would ever get used to them. And now here I am, more or less satisfied. I have to say I still greatly prefer soft lenses to these gas permeables and if I ever get a chance to switch back I will in a heartbeat, but these are going to be ok.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: You're in My Head - Brian McComas
One Year Ago Today: The valiant taste death but once.

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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