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Resultados 1-15 de unos 121 que contienen "eucalia"

2004-02-23 - 11:16 p.m.

Woah, I almost forgot to update tonight. I was just about to close up my laptop and head to bed when I realized I hadn't updated yet. Maybe it's because I just updated the Book Blog and BooksEucalia so I feel like I've been updating for a while already. Whatever, I sure am brainless.

First thing this morning was my weigh in. I weighed exactly the same this morning as I did a week ago. I'm trying to be positive about it. At least I didn't gain anything, right? I seem to have plateaued in my weight loss efforts. In the last four weeks I've averaged a loss of less than half a pound per week. Hey, I'm not going to hit my goal any time soon at that rate. Weight Watchers has a site where they have suggestions of things to do to get yourself past a plateau. There's only one of those things that I seem to not be doing and that's positive thinking. So ok, from now on I'm thinking skinny thoughts.

My major accomplishment for today was baking a pie. No, it didn't take me all day, but it did take quite a while. This is mostly because I've never baked a pie before in my life. I got the recipe from a friend at Weight Watchers, but this recipe isn't exactly waistline friendly. This pie actually required cooking as opposed to the pie I made last week which only required mixing and pouring. The pie was sour cream raisin. I had never heard of this flavor before. It sounds really disgusting to me, but I was assured it's tasty. Apparently it's a Scandinavian thing, but I don't really know. The recipe also called for a meringue topping. I've never made meringue before. In fact, I've never separated an egg in my life. At any rate I had a whole ton of fun in the kitchen this morning. And the pie? The filling ended up a little on the thin side, but oh my gosh, I think I may have discovered my new favorite pie flavor!

The other bit of noteworthiness for today regards my jogging. Today I ran 4.15 miles in 39:41 which averages to 9:34 per mile which is my best time yet. In fact, I think it may be even better than my best time from last year. I'm excited by this...and I'm thinking skinny thoughts...

Today was my first day of counting my Weight Watchers points from 4pm to 4pm instead of from midnight to midnight. Unfortunately, I don't think today was a very good example of how well it works, mostly because of baking that pie. I have a very bad habit of sampling things as I cook them. I'm always nibbling on the ingredients. I think I did it a little more than usual today since I didn't know what I was doing or really what I was making. Sour cream raisin pie sounded gross to me so I kept checking to make sure that it really wasn't gross. Anyway, all the nibbling and tasting adds up, but it's really hard to count it. So today wasn't a very good example. But tomorrow I think is an excellent example. Tonight my dad had to work late so my mom wanted to go to Panda Express for dinner. Eating there cost me 11 points--quite a few more points than I had expected to use for dinner. That combined with a 7-point slice of my pie would've put me way over my points allotment for today if I was counting the old way. But with my new method I can compensate for tonight's large points expenditure by only eating 4 points for lunch tomorrow and I'll still be within my points allotment. Yup, it's cool. Hoo-boy, am I thinking skinny thoughts!

You know how there's a bit of code that you can stick in your template to make it so search engines won't ever point to you? Well, I incorporated that into my template a while back and it seems to do the trick as far as Google goes, but other search engines like MSN and Yahoo! still point to me. Do any of you have this problem? I wonder if there's a way to make all the search engines stop pointing to me. Yesterday someone got to this journal by doing an MSN search for "Eucalia." Normally that would scare me quite a bit because who would search for that but someone who knows me? It's not exactly a common name. But I'm not too worried about this particular hit. Why? Because this person was using the Spanish version of MSN and according to my stats tracker they did it from Barcelona, Spain. I doubt there are many people in Spain who know me.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Somewhere Other Than the Night - Garth Brooks
One Year Ago Today: Depends on how hard you squeeze 'em

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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