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Just a rusty SOS pad

2004-03-20 - 8:44 p.m.

My house stinks. Are you wondering why? Well, that's sort of what happens when one's father decides to cook popcorn in the microwave for 20 minutes instead of 2 minutes. Eh, what's a decimal point? Nobody noticed until the smoke alarm went off. The funny thing is that the smoke alarm didn't go off until the smoke was already so thick we couldn't see the ceiling. Usually all I have to do is think about the toaster and the smoke alarm goes off. And do you know what's even lovelier? Today I worked out in my garden and I put a whole bunch of manure in it. The garden is right outside my bedroom window. So do I leave the window closed and smell burned popcorn or do I open my window and smell steer manure? Hmmm...never knew just how nice burned popcorn smelled, did you?

I got up early this morning and jogged my 2.6-mile loop. I didn't realize it had been so long since I've jogged! According to my log, the last time I jogged was on March 9th and the time I recorded is consistent with the time that was still on the stopwatch when I cleared it this morning, so it must be true. I've been going to step class five times a week, though, so it's not like I've been completely lazy. Today I bought a pair of petite size 8 shorts and they fit. It's things like that that make getting out of bed early in the morning and going for a jog entirely worth while.

I've been spending way too much time recently over at BookCrossing. In fact, I've spent so much time there playing with my books I've hardly spent any time reading my books. But hopefully soon I'll be done playing and can move on to reading. Only...dang, I'm addicted. And today I received my first RABCK! Is that cool or what? Oh, you're wondering what a RABCK is, aren't you? That would be a "Random Act of BookCrossing Kindness." In other words, someone sent me something for nothing. Of course I have every intention of sending a RABCK to someone else. And today I was offered my first trade, which I gladly accepted. And I'm now part of five book rings. Now aren't you jealous? I thought so. Why don't you go play too? In fact, if you go to my BookCrossing bookshelf I'm offering an RABCK to the first Diarylander (or anyone else who gets there from here) who asks. That's right, just go to my bookshelf and pick any book you want that I have marked as "available" and I'll send it to you. Sound neat?

By the way, happy Spring!

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Hakuna Matata - The Lion King
One Year Ago Today: He can call me flower if he wants to

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