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2004-05-05 - 8:36 p.m.

I overslept a bit this morning and almost didn't go to the morning step class. But then I thought about all the munchies I had yesterday and made myself go. I'm glad I did. It always feels good to know I wasn't lazy.

And I wore my new contact today. It seems to work all right. I only wore it until dinner, though, I think my eyes need to get used to wearing these hard contacts again. They were pretty irritated by the time I took the contacts out.

Other than that, today's big accomplishment was finishing my Mother's Day shopping. I already bought my mom a book several months ago and today I bought her a shirt from Eddie Bauer and a DVD of "The Last Samurai" from Best Buy. While I was at Best Buy I bought myself a DVD too. I bought "Save the Last Dance." That's one of those movies that it seems like nobody else likes besides me. It was in the bin of cheap DVDs so I bought it. And at Eddie Bauer I bought myself a hat. Hey, I think I did pretty well to restrict myself to just a hat. I tried on a bunch more stuff, but was good and didn't buy any of it. I also went next door to Old Navy and tried on a bunch of stuff there too and didn't buy anything. Old Navy annoys me because they're not consistent with their sizing. I have two different T-shirts from there that fit me exactly the same and one is a medium while the other is an extra-large. And today I was trying on shorts because almost all of my old shorts look like skirts on me and the two pairs that fit the best were a size 4 and size 8.

Speaking of fitting into single-digit sizes, I didn't lose any weight last week. I guess I didn't really deserve to. Last week I didn't exercise at all besides just walking. But I didn't overindulge in the eating department much either. Hopefully this week will be different.

Right now I'm reading a book called Middlesex. Have you heard of it? When I picked it up I thought it was a book that was set in England. Turns out it's about a hermaphrodite. Silly me. Anyway, it's actually pretty good so far. Of course I'm only 50 pages in so I can't have too much of an opinion, but so far the narrator is telling us a bit of family history and the part I'm on is set in Greece during World War I. It's really interesting.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Eight Days a Week - The Beetles
One Year Ago Today: Get a nest!

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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