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She like the poi real sour

2004-05-04 - 9:27 p.m.

Somehow today passed by without me accomplishing anything. But I feel like I've been doing stuff all day. Where did the time go?

I went to the post office this morning first thing and mailed a book to someone. I got there right after it opened and the line was fairly long. If I wait until noon there's usually no line. Does that seem weird to you or is it just me? Afterwards I went grocery shopping at WinCo and had fun in their bulk foods section buying scoops of stuff from bins. On the way home I stopped by a strawberry stand and bought a basket of fresh strawberries. We have a lot of strawberry fields in my area just kinda stuck in the middle of everything else. They always have really good strawberries.

And then my mom came home. I seem to have no recollection of what happened between finishing shopping and my mom coming home even though there are three hours there. Hmm... Anyway, after she came home she convinced me to call my optometrist's office to see if the replacement contact I had ordered had come in. Turns out it had and they had neglected to call me about it. My optometrist apparently hired a new secretary and they're still getting used to each other. This secretary seems to actually have a brain whereas the old one didn't. So I have contacts again. It's funny, I'm so used to glasses now I'm almost not eager to deal with contacts again. It'll be nice to be able to wear sunglasses though, and to not have glasses sliding down the bridge of my nose whenever I get sweaty.

When my dad came home we took his car to a test-only center for a smog check. His car is an '83 Corolla and we were pretty sure it wasn't going to pass, but it did. We had dinner and then we came home and I made a copy of all the music I bought in Hawaii for my brother and got that packaged up and ready to put in the mail tomorrow.

And that was my day. Except those missing three hours. What a horrible memory I have! I guess nothing too terribly exciting happened then.


I just remembered that I had a dream last night that I wanted to write down because it was so vivid. Unfortunately, I've forgotten most of the dream. The part I do remember, though, starts out among a bunch of really large, cement, outdoor fish tanks like the ones you find at fish hatcheries, except they were much deeper. I was walking among the tanks with Flik and two other girls. I spotted some turtles in one of the tanks, but before I could point them out to the girls, they swam away. Flik was pouting because she didn't get to see them. We continued walking and I spotted another turtle in another tank. It started to swim away so I called to Flik for her to come with me and started to run after the turtle. But before I started running, I had my drivers license in my hand and I set it down so that my hands would be free for the chase. Except I sat it down on the surface of the water like I thought it would float. We chased after the turtle and finally caught up to it so that Flik could see it. While she was looking at it I went back for my license but saw that it was slowly sinking into the depths of the murky tank. It had sunk deeper than I could reach so I dove in after it. I kept one foot hooked over the edge of the tank so I wouldn't get lost as I swam downwards. I didn't catch up with my sinking drivers license until it reached the bottom of the tank, perhaps 20 feet down. The license settled into the mud at the bottom of the tank and as I reached for it, the drowned lifeless body of my friend Grace slowly drifted cartwheelingly by. I was startled at first, but then I realized that it was just her body, she wasn't really dead. After swimming to the bottom of this tank, I realized, she hadn't wanted to expend the effort necessary to swim back to the surface so had pressed the 'reset' button and started over again on the surface, leaving this body down here at the bottom of the tank. Relieved that Grace wasn't really dead, I grabbed my license and pulled myself back to the surface by my foot, which was still hooked over the edge of the tank 20 feet above. When I got out of the tank, Flik was there and she was mad at me. She was upset because I was underwater for so long and she didn't know if I was ok. I protested that her anger was unfair because after all, I had left my foot hooked over the edge of the tank so nothing bad could happen to me. But she wasn't appeased and she pouted some more as she and I and the two other girls continued walking among the tanks. While we were walking bad things kept almost happening to Flik, like she almost tripped and fell and she was almost hit by bird poop. But every time something bad was going to happen, one of the other girls or I would reach out and stop it from happening. When this happened we weren't under our own control and we often rescued Flik from accidents we didn't even see coming. I realized that Flik had had a magical spell placed on her so that nothing bad could ever happen to her.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Island Style - John Cruz
One Year Ago Today: A god among insects

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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