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The ice cream won't eat itself, you know

2004-06-21 - 11:04 p.m.

I stayed up way too late last night and then got up way too early this morning to take my brother to the airport, so I'm pretty tired and I'm going to keep this entry pretty short.

Today my brother and sister-in-law had to get back to working (since it's Monday), so my parents and I were in charge of our own entertainment. So we ended up driving out to the Blue Bell Ice Cream factory and going on a tour. I'd never heard of this kind of ice cream before, but apparently it's really famous around these parts. So we went on a tour and that was cool and all but the best part was that the tour came with a scoop of ice cream. We got to choose from 24 flavors and it was a hefty scoop, too. I ended up getting a flavor called "Birthday Cake" which actually had pieces of birthday cake in it (the confetti kind that I always ask for for my birthday!) and it was really, really good.

Afterwards we went to a state park called Washington-on-the-Brazos. This is apparently where they wrote up the Texas declaration of independence from Mexico. Honestly, I couldn't care less about that sort of thing. My dad goes nuts for it, though. On the plus side, it was beautiful there, see?

And here is a really bright little flower I saw there too. I don't actually know what kind of flower it is, though. Some sort of mallow, perhaps?

Afterwards we were getting hungry so we stopped at a Dairy Queen in the next town we came to, which happened to be Navasota. It really is true that everything is bigger in Texas. We ordered hamburgers and I swear they were twice the size of Dairy Queen hamburgers in California. The funniest thing, though, was when we ordered them and the lady behind the register asked us, "Do you want it all the way?" We had no clue what she meant by that. I guess that's an expression we just don't use in my neck of the woods. We stared at her blankly until my mom finally said, "What do you mean?" Turns out she was asking if we wanted everything on it. Live and learn.

This evening I also got another bubble tea. I tried a flavor I've never tried before. Yup, I actually got up the nerve to try an avocado flavored bubble tea. It sounds really disgusting (yes, more disgusting, in my mind, than green bean flavored bubble tea sounds), but it ended up being not too bad. Not my favorite, but certainly edible. A lot of people really enjoy that flavor, so I just had to give it a try. I let my sister-in-law try it and she thought it was good too. I really think she bases her tasting opinions on what she sees with her eyes more than what she tastes with her tongue, though. Green bean looks horrible, but it tastes really good, while avocado looks like a perfectly normal thing even though it tastes a little odd. Actually, I thought it tasted quite a bit like durian. Only not as strong.

Heh, woah, what happened to keeping this short?

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: How Do You Like Me Now - Toby Keith
One Year Ago Today: Believe in me, I'll show you how it's done

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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