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As alert as poached eggs

2004-06-29 - 10:14 p.m.

So I found this job that I really, really want. The only problem is that I'm not sure if it really exists. See, I found it by searching a Seattle newspaper's classified ads online. When, just to see what happens not to seriously apply, I hit the "apply for this job" button I was informed that this hospital prefers to have applicants apply through the hospital's website and I was redirected there. But when I got to the hospital's website, the job description of the opening didn't match the job description listed on the newspaper's classified ad. So now I'm annoyed and unsure. Ergh.

Today I managed to find a recent copy of my CV and spruce it up a bit. I was a little worried at first because the only copy of my CV I could find was from before my residency and needed some serious updating. But I knew I had updated it already because I had an updated copy when I applied for the relief job back in September. It took me forever, but I finally remembered that I had e-mailed myself a copy of the updated version. Phew!

Also this morning I jogged for the first time since April. I was gratified to discover that my pace was pretty much on par with what I was doing back when my jogging petered out. Of course usually the first day is the easiest and then it gets worse, but today wasn't bad at all. I ran 2.7 miles in 26:20 which is averages to 9:49 per mile. Back before I stopped jogging I was ranging between 9:30 and 10:00, more or less. So I'm planning on doing it again tomorrow. Perhaps I'll run farther though, because I'd like to spend more time exercising than 26 minutes.

What I didn't do today was get up the nerve to contact Milkshake. I guess basically I should just do it and get it over with. There's no point in waiting like the foolish coward I am.

Right now I'm reading Perdido Street Station by China Mi�ville. For some reason I didn't expect it to be very good, but it turns out that so far I'm really enjoying it. It's very dark and very unusual, but it's managed to suck me in anyway. And my goodness does it have vocabulary! I consider myself to have a fairly decent vocabulary, but I find a word I don't know every three or four pages. And there are words I know well enough to understand but not well enough to actually use in nearly every paragraph. And the author doesn't sound like he's straining to use these words. Sometimes I read stuff with "big" words and it sounds ridiculous like the author is trying to show off a vocabulary he hasn't actually mastered. But not so with this author. Anyway, I was hoping to finish this book by the end of the month, but I still have 330 pages left so it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Into the West - Annie Lennox
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