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My lips aren't moving

2005-05-19 - 5:43 p.m.

Today has just not been good. The first thing I did this morning was to sing out, "It's Friday!" only to then realize of course that it's Thursday. So I hit the snooze on my alarm and had to rush to get to work and then work bored me silly. So far I'm really not liking this clinical stuff. I'm so disappointed. I wonder why I don't enjoy it? Is it just because I'm too dumb? We had a meeting today of all the CCU/tele pharmacists and they all seemed so enthusiastic about it. Where's my enthusiasm? Time just would not go by today. Ugh.

The meeting, unfortunately, lasted a bit longer than the end of my day. While I was there, I was paged. I was going to not answer the page because it came after 3:30 when I was supposed to be off, but I ended up being a good little pharmacist and answering it anyway. As a result I spent almost an hour teaching some guy about warfarin without really looking through his chart first. Of course that was a mistake because that meant that I didn't find out until after I was done that the reason the guy didn't seem to understand much was because he had an expressive dysphasia. Geesh.

Oh, and today I managed to fall up the stairs. Yeah, I'm so incredibly clutzy. This is the second time I've done it this week. On the plus side, this time it was unwitnessed as opposed to last time when there were like five other people in the stairwell with me. On the minus side, I managed to hurt my hand badly enough to bleed all over the place. Egads.

I was supposed to call a new guy today, a guy who I actually think has some potential for me, but I just have no energy. So I'll wait. Ack.

I'm also a little disappointed because the singer didn't call or e-mail or anything before he left for New York. Not that it makes any difference, but it would've been nice. Speaking of the singer, Aunt Flo is a week late. Which I was mildly concerned about until I went and read what was going on in my journal a year ago and remembered that Aunt Flo came three months late last May. So I guess this is normal for me. Bah.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: There Goes My Life - Kenny Chesney
One Year Ago Today: Conceal the hurt we feel inside

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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