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2002-09-07 - 9:28 p.m.

I'm in a significantly better mood today than I was yesterday, for no particular reason. I think the correct term for that would be "emotional lability" or maybe in my self-diagnostic hypochondriac way, "cyclodysthymic."

So today I went running with Spike. He was 20 minutes late. But apparently he called just after I left to let me know he would be late and had a conversation with my mother. Anyway, he showed up in a shiney bright red Corvette. In all honesty, sports cars are a major turn off. Although they do fit what I know of Spike. The "really into looks" bit. But I must admit he was very nice the whole time. Of course that would fit into the theory that this is more than just friendly. But anyway, we ran really slowly and he didn't seem to have a problem with letting me set the pace. He was perfectly capable of having a conversation the whole time, as opposed to my gasped replies, but he did manage to work up a sweat. We ran for 20 minutes and then turned around and ran back for 21 minutes. So I ran (ok, jogged) for 41 minutes without ever slowing to a walk. I think that qualifies as a new personal record, even though I have no real idea how far we went. After we got back to the parking lot we leaned on my car and talked for 10-15 minutes. I turned down his invite to lunch...actually, I guess I never really got a real invite, he was more doing the probing thing to see if I had plans for the day and I plead busy. He did however seem to want to have lunch with me on Thursday (the next time I will be working at the same office as him), and appeared disappointed when I said I was going to bring my own lunch but then I promised to at least eat lunch with the rest of the staff. After we had finished running I asked him, "So, was it worth your while to come out here?" referring to the amount of time/gas it took to get there versus the amount of exercise he actually got. He said, "Yes, otherwise I would have been alone." Hmmm...I'm still busy analyzing that one. Ok, so the current plan is to sometime during lunch on Thursday bring up my boyfriend in casual conversation. What do you think of that plan? It seems reasonable to me.

The other thing I did today was to help my dad build his woodshed. Sometimes I find him to be severely irritating. The original plan was to just improve on the existing structure. But all did not go as planned and it soon became apparent that taking it apart and starting over would be more conducive to making a stable structure. But the thing that really irritates me is my dad's reaction to the "all did not go as planned" bit. His reaction is to get severely pissed at inanimate objects. In my opinion, that is a complete waste of time and energy and I don't want to put up with it. I was very tempted to just walk away and say, "Let me know when you plan on being productive," but that in itself probably wouldn't've been productive either. So instead I stood there with my arms crossed and gave him my best disapproving look.

And the other thing I did was unpack one more box from my move. I think that leaves 91 to go :-P This box was pretty boring. Nothing interesting at all in it. Ok, a couple of books I haven't read yet, but besides that I think I threw most of it away.

And that is that. Except I took some personality tests...this is me broken down into numbers...if you choose to believe it!

EXTRAVERSION: 28 Friendliness: 8 Gregariousness: 43 Assertiveness: 14 Activity Level: 55 Excitement Seeking: 56 Cheerfulness: 40

AGREEABLENESS: 48 Trust: 33 Morality: 46 Altruism: 24 Cooperation: 85 Modesty: 79 Sympathy: 17

CONCIENTIOUSNESS: 47 Self-Efficacy: 63 Orderliness: 21 Dutifulness: 46 Achievement Striving: 36 Self-Discipline: 47 Cautiousness: 80

NEUROTICISM: 28 Anxiety: 1 Anger: 17 Depression: 88 Self-Consciousness: 93 Immoderation: 10 Vulnerability: 5

OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE: 60 Imagination: 83 Artistic Interests: 66 Emotionality: 16 Adventurousness: 55 Intellect: 87 Liberalism: 25

There now, wasn't that just a window into my soul?

One Good Thing:
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