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If looks could kill, I'd be shooting blanks

2005-02-15 - 7:52 p.m.

Today was supposed to be my day off, but while I was working last night Apple called in sick and I volunteered to work her shift. So I worked this morning, but I was being payed overtime for it. Today almost payed for two teeth of my surgery. (I'm having 12 done...did I mention it's expensive?)

Yesterday before work I went for a walk. It was one of those walks that starts out as a walk down to the waterfront and then just keeps going. I had to get back home to get ready for work so I had to cut the walk shorter than I would've otherwise, but it was still pretty long. And the weather was cold and dreary. At one point it snowed on me. Here's a view looking towards the city from Myrtle Edwards park yesterday morning:

Today after work I went for the same walk. It was beautiful today and it was almost like a completely different walk.

Interesting street performers at the Market

The fountain outside the Seattle Aquarium

The view from Kerry Park this afternoon

So yesterday I found this article about the anti-socialness of Seattlites. I was reading it and I was thinking, "Wait a minute, this describes me perfectly!" I'm nice as heck, I'm just unlikely to let you in. 'You' generally, not specifically, of course. The biggest difference I'd say is that I would never say "Let's do something sometime," and not mean it. I might agree to somebody else's suggestion to "do something sometime" and not really mean it, but I would never suggest it myself. I'm sure you see the distinction. Anyway, I had more to say about that, but I'm really sleepy so I think I'm going to hit the hay early tonight.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: There Goes the Boy - Cyndi Thomson
One Year Ago Today: But you are the beloved porcupine

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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