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Turning load into pie

2003-01-23 - 6:07 a.m.

Yesterday before leaving work I paged my team to find out when rounds today would be. The on call resident didn't know, but she said she would page me when she found out. She would just leave the time on my pager so I wouldn't have to call her back. I went to bed last night at nine and she still hadn't paged me back. I was awakened in the middle of the night by my pager going off. Take a guess what time it went off. Go ahead, guess. It went off at 2:30. Do you think that's the time she found out or do you think that's the time she remembered about me? My pager said 0930. 9:30? Is that possible? Could she have meant 0630? I'm going to take her at her word. But I'm not sure I can make it at 9:30. I have a management meeting at 8. I decided to come to work at my usual time anyway. Don't ask me to explain myself, I don't understand me either.

Last night was my first volleyball game with my new team. It's the first time I've played in a real refereed game since high school. And it was the first time I'd been to that particular gym in 10 years. Well, nine and a half really, but whatever. Last time I was there I was playing summer league with my high school's varsity team during the summer before my freshman year. Last time I was there everyone thought I was older than I was. This time everyone thought I was younger than I am. Everyone seemed to think I was still in high school. When Kevin mentioned that I'm a pharmacy resident there was a sudden rash of syncopal episodes among my teammates. Seven people showed up for my team. One of them broke her wrist a few weeks ago though, so we only had six players. I never caught her name. Another one, Lauren, showed up halfway through the first game. Kevin and Dave I had met before and then the other two were Marci and Terry who were both of moderate abilities. We played three rally-point games to 25 on a men's net (8 feet instead of a women's 7.5). I've never played co-ed before. I kept forgetting about the rule that if the ball is hit three times by one team, then at least one of the hits must be by a woman. There is no rule that says at least one of them must be by a man. I find that to be a bit offensive, but it works to my advantage so I won't complain. We ended up winning 2 of 3. The game we lost was because we had our line up screwy with our three weakest players in the front row at the same time and opposite the other team's two strongest players. We couldn't seem to get the ball over the net whenever that rotation came up. But all in all, much fun was had and I'm looking forward to next week.


It turns out my instinct to come into work early was a good one. As I was writing the above portion of this entry my pager went off. It was Eve, the NP student on the SGI team, telling me that rounds were starting in SI-1 as opposed to Tower 7 as we had planned. So you actually got off easy because I was planning to ramble on about volleyball for quite some time and looking back I realize I rambled on quite enough. I tacked on that lovely conclusion and beat it upstairs. When I got there, last night's on call resident apologized for paging me so late. It turns out she had forgotten and that's when she remembered. She seemed genuinely sorry so I didn't tell her that she had also made a typo entering the time. It's ok, it all worked out. I had to leave early to get to the management meeting, though. Cheesecake is back from New Zealand. He welcomed me and my new chiefliness and then I announced Thumbtack's resignation, Slick's return from county, and the upcoming ASHP residency accreditation review. I forgot to talk about the interviews coming up, but hey, for me being put on the spot in front of a crowd, three out of four's not bad.

During the meeting, instead of actually paying attention, I started pondering pointless stuff. For example, I have Alan Jackson's "That'd Be Alright" stuck in my head. I was thinking about the lines, "If everybody everywhere had a lighter load to bear and little bigger piece of the pie, we'd be living a pretty good life, yeah that'd be alright." Well obviously everybody can't have a bigger piece of the pie without the pie getting bigger and similarly everyone can't have a lighter load without the whole load getting lighter. And due to the law of conservation of matter, there's no way this can happen unless somehow we can turn load into pie. So I was thinking that's a good idea, we should figure out how to turn load into pie. But how? We could just decide that load is pie, but that seems to be really uncommon. It seems much more common for people to decide that pie is load. So maybe we could somehow rearrange the distribution of things so that the people who perceive their pie as load can give more of their pie to other people who see it as pie. Or maybe people who think making pie is pie can make lots of pie for others so that everyone, including the pie-makers, get more pie. But other than shifting load to people who don't perceive it as load, I can't really come up with any good load reducing ideas. Except there are people out there who seem to create load unnecessarily. So instead of getting rid of load, maybe we could work on creating less of it. Like worrying less or harrassing other people less or even stop perceiving nothing to be load. And yes, folks, this is the way my mind works.

I was also considering creating a guestbook for this journal. It would be cool if everyone who stopped by would take a moment to sign it. I see people who stop by here on my stats page, but that only gives minimal information. It would be cool to know just a bit more about them. For example, someone from Gallatin River came by here. I've heard of's in the Montana or Wyoming area, I think. For some reason I have a very romantic notion about that whole area but I've never really met anyone from there. But then again, I don't take the time to sign all the guestbooks of all the journals I've wondered through. In fact, I've never signed anyone's guestbook. I have dropped notes here and there, but I guess that's different. What does one say when signing random people's guestbooks? And then again, what if I create a guestbook and no one signs it. My feelings might be hurt. Or what if someone signed it and wrote mean things in it about how I worry too much about whether or not to create a guestbook and spend waaay too much time contemplating song lyrics about pie? But then again, it would be nice to get some feedback even if it isn't particularly nice. Aroha and SquirrelX have both been talking a bit about some people's weird desire to be pissy and judgemental in other people's guestbooks.

I've also still been thinking about the whole small town independent pharmacy thing. I think maybe I'll ask my parents about it. Yeah, I know, that's a shocker. I don't tend to ask my parents' advice on anything. Especially not any of my crazy ideas. The thing about this one is that I'm not entirely sure it's crazy. What if it's not? I kind of like the idea, I at least like dreaming about it. My parents, especially my mom, are never even remotely supportive of ideas they think are crazy. And I'm not really good at going against my parents' direct disapproval. Doing things I know they will disapprove of but never telling them so they don't actually get the chance to disapprove is another matter entirely. If I ask my parents about this and they think it's crazy, they will shoot the idea down immediately and that will be the end of that. That's the reason I'm hesitant to ask. I'm not sure I want this shot down yet. But if they don't shoot it down and they actually support it, that would be really cool. Then again I could just not ask and do it or not do it as I eventually decide without their input. But this is a pretty major decision. I was thinking I'd like to drive up there and actually go inside the pharmacy and see what it's like before I make much more of a decision. It's a four hour drive from here though, so it wouldn't be particularly easy to do without at least telling my parents. It would be really cool if they supported this though.

I got invited to a Super Bowl party this weekend. I've never been invited to one before. First of all I don't really care about football, and secondly I don't care at all about either team that's playing in it. The party is to be held at Slick's place. She has an apartment in town. I've never been there before. She went to school in Florida so she will be rooting for the Bucs. I can go with that. We don't need the Raiders fans around here to be anymore cocky than they already are. I think the plan is to have the game on as an excuse, but not really watch it. Sounds good to me.


Surprise, surprise, I added a guestbook. Please sign it for me!

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