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Taking on another pharmacist

2003-01-25 - 9:28 p.m.

Today was one of those ultimate lazy days. I sat around and, well, sat around some more. And then when I was done, guess what I did? Heh, I'm sure you've figured it out already. I sat around. But I did accomplish a few things. Well "accomplish" may be a bit of an overstatement.

My big accomplishment for the day was baking cookies. I made chocolate chip and snickerdoodle. I made them to bring to the Super Bowl party tomorrow. Cookies are my specialty. Back in the good ol' days when I actually had time to bake, that is. People used to beg for my recipes, something with which I was not stingey, but then when they'd make them, they wouldn't turn out right. That, of course, was because they didn't have the secret ingredient. And what is the secret ingredient? Well, since you are my faithful readers, I will tell you. The secret ingredient is country music. You must play it loudly and sing along wholeheartedly as you work.

Another accomplishment was shaving my legs. I recently got an electric razor, but it just doesn't work as well as the old fashioned way. Electric razors are good enough for going to the gym or playing ball, but they just don't shave very close. It lasts for like one day and even on the first day it's not smooth. It's not good enough for a date, say, in which someone might actually be touching my legs. Not that this has been a problem recently. So I spoiled my legs today. And they appreciate it.

Also today I watched "Quigley Down Under." I haven't seen that movie in quite a long time. I have the soundtrack though and I love it. And now I can tell you the movie is great too. Too bad Tom Selleck hasn't made more movies lately. He was good in this one. I wouldn't mind having myself a cowboy like that.

Oh, oh, and I did my first bit of "spodding" today. I did it through rachelliz's Central Perk. I was amazingly inept, but everyone there was very nice and helpful. I'll likely be headed back there sometime in the not too distant future. I participated in almostlegal. My entry can be found here. Sorry Somn, I messed up the question about you. I messed up the html and there's no way for me to go back and fix it. But hey, now there's a whole bunch of random writing that links directly to you.

Other than that I talked to Doodle who encouraged me to take the Quincy job and I cut my finger which bled like a son of a gun. And that sums up my day.

One Good Thing:
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