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He can call me flower if he wants to

2003-03-20 - 8:45 p.m.

Just for the record, my brother rocks.

I don't have too much to talk about tonight. My day was pretty boring. And I was an utter failure at my goal to say something at each meeting. I went to a whole truckload of meetings today and didn't say a single thing. Bah. But then again, I did stay awake all day so I think I deserve some credit! Oh but something sort of amusing did happen. A few days ago I read this spoof of the government's guide to safety at war time which was linked to in Holly's diary. I have to admit those made me laugh quite a bit. Then today in a meeting about disaster readiness I was shown some of these pictures again, only this time I was supposed to be serious about them. Hey wait, I just went back there to look at them and they changed them. What's up with that? They were funnier before...

And finally, happy Vernal Equinox everybody!

Oh wait, I was going to go to bed, but I think maybe I'll stick around and see the end of the Kings game against the Lakers. Right now they're up 93-90. This morning Cheesecake was going over his schedule for today with me to decide which meetings I would be going to. We went through the day and I was going to all but one of the meetings. The Kings game was on the bottom of his schedule so I asked him if I was going to that one. He just laughed and said, "You know, I don't think my wife would be willing to give up her ticket." Ah well, it was worth a try, right?

And that's the game! 107-99! Kings win, baby, Kings win! :)

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: You Must Love Me - Madonna
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