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2003-03-21 - 9:41 p.m.

I had so much trouble sleeping last night. I don't know what the deal was. I usually don't have any trouble sleeping but this was the second time this week I've had difficulties. I kept twitching myself awake. Yeah, I know, the poor dude who marries me will have to live with the twitching every night. But usually I twitch myself awake once or twice and then that's it. Last night it wouldn't stop. Every time I started to drift off...twitch!

Anyway, want a recap of my day? Hoo boy, it's exciting. Don't say I didn't warn you. Here goes. I got up and went to work like usual. Went around to the various satellite pharmacies and collected boxes full of orders to sort for my project. Brought them down to administration and sorted them. Went over the day's schedule with Cheesecake. He wasn't in the mood for talking about last night's basketball game...hee hee...serves him right rooting for those people... Didn't have a meeting until 10 so decided to work on my projects. Went downstairs to talk to someone about my barcoding project. She had today off. Went back upstairs to talk to someone else about my P&P. He was in Hawaii. Decided to run over to the clinic and do my ward inspection. It was too early, the pharmacy wasn't open yet so I couldn't get the paperwork. Walked back over to administration. Worked on my medication use project until meeting time. Who did we meet with? Oh, some dude. It was me, Cheesecake, our computer expert, and some guy meeting to discuss something about UHC. You can see I got a lot out of it. Then he went away and some Abbott people came to talk to Cheesecake and Fish and I about...what direction our pharmacy is going and how they can help accomodate that. Then we had a potluck to celebrate the coming of Spring. Since the theme was Spring most of the dishes were fruit or vegetable related. I brought a couple of fruit salads. One was sort of a Hawaiian thing and the other was a variation of a Waldorf salad. I got quite a few compliments. Hopefully those compliment-givers won't be walking through the Albertson's deli section any time soon... Then it was time for meeting #3. This one was with some people from Cardinal. One of them I think may have been interested in me...and he wasn't bad himself. When he left he shook my hand and said, "It was very nice to meet you," and I swear he held my hand and his eyes lingered on mine quite a bit longer than was necessary. I looked away first. And then they were gone and I showed Cheesecake what I had accomplished on my medication use project. But he was busy so I just left it with him to look at later. Sometimes when I'm in meetings I have an urge to do something really outrageous just to see what the other people in the room will do. And when I'm sitting there thinking about outrageous things I wonder, is anyone else in the room thinking about outrageous things too? But anyway, I spent another hour sorting more orders and talking to Slick about optical insurance and then I went home. Went on a walk with my mom and waited for my dad to come home so we could go to the gym. He didn't come home until late so we went to dinner instead. We went to Fresh Choice. No sprinkles. No, they didn't even have my favorite salad dressing. But hey, at least they had lettuce, right? Then we came home and we watched the VeggieTales movie. A little too much God, but otherwise mostly cute. Then we watched this week's episode of Scrubs which I had taped. It was actually really good this week. And now here I am writing my entry, talking to Somnambulist and listening to Chris LeDoux. And the best part is I have a whole two day weekend.

Oh and by the way, everyone should give Mr. Somnambulist there a whole bunch of love and money. Don't forget.

Hmm...there was something else I was going to say, but I can't remember what it is now so instead let's all make way for

1. If you had the chance to meet someone you've never met, from the past or present, who would it be?

Well, I'd like to meet my true love, but that's kind of a generically boring answer. So...hmm...I'd kind of like to meet Jesus, you know, ask him a few questions. Doubting Thomas was, after all, the only person who ever got to touch Jesus after his resurrection or something, right?

2. If you had to live in a different century, past or future, which would it be?

I'd like to think I could live in the past, go do the whole toga thing or live in the little house on the prairie or something, but then I think about a lack of modern dentistry and anesthesia and tampons and microwaves and good science fiction novels and think that perhaps the past isn't for me. So I'd have to go for the future. I think I'd just go for the next century so maybe I could meet my great-grandchildren and maybe the world wouldn't be so different that I couldn't survive.

3. If you had to move anywhere else on Earth, where would it be?

Even though I want to visit other countries, I'd want to live in the USA because I like this place. I think I'd probably move to the Seattle area. Maybe up near Anacortes.

4. If you had to be a fictional character, who would it be?

The first person who came to mind when I read that question was Cam Jansen. Did any of you ever read about her? I don't think I've read any of her books since early elementary school but I thought she was awesome. The was this little girl who solved mysteries. But most importantly, she had a photographic memory. That's why she was called Cam, because she was like a camera. She would say "Click" and then she would remember everything she was looking at just like she had taken a picture. I don't think she actually had to say click, but she did anyway, just for effect. Plus she had a cute little guy friend and she's young so she still has so few worries and her whole life ahead of her.

5. If you had to live with having someone else's face as your own for the rest of your life, whose would it be?

Hmm...that's sort of a toughie. Really I don't mind my own face. I don't think I'm good-looking, but I don't think I'm too much of a dog either. I would love to switch out my hair and the rest of my body though...but anyway, guess I should answer the question. How about Cameron Diaz. I saw a thing once that showed a bunch of actresses without their makeup on and some of them looked really hideous, but Cameron Diaz looked good without it too, so I'm going to go for her.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Get Over Yourself - SheDaisy
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