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Just get on and ride

2003-04-09 - 10:36 a.m.

I just finished my evaluation with Cheesecake. He is such a hottie. I tried so hard not to think about that during the evaluation. I only slipped up a few times. It was 15 minutes long. Ha ha. God, I suck. But actually the evaluation didn't go too badly. I had to fill out a self-evaluation first and take that in with me and we agreed on all categories except one where I gave myself a "satisfactory progress" and he gave me an "achieved," so really I did better than I thought I would. And he never told me I sucked. Unfortunately, I will have to present the P&P at the management meeting in two weeks. Remember how I said I was going to have to work hard to finish all of Cheesecakes projects by today? Yesterday I didn't do any work on those projects. I figured I would work on them a bit this morning and take the flack for not finishing one of them. I have all the files for these projects saved on a shared drive in pharmacy administration. It makes it nice because I can get to them from any computer in the pharmacy. I received an e-mail several days ago stating that the shared drive would be offline for some reason for 2-4 hours starting on April 8th at 6pm. I figured that wouldn't bother me at all, I had no plans for being there last night between 6pm and 10pm. But it turned out that this morning the shared drive still was not working. And stupid me has never made any back-up files. I hadn't even printed out hardcopies of my finished products. The only things I had to show Cheesecake this morning were old versions with notes and stuff scribbled all over them. It was embarrassing, but he didn't seem to mind. And he didn't get mad that I hadn't done much work on that one particular project. I explained to him what I had tried to do and how I was thwarted in my efforts and he nodded and asked if I could at least do one thing for him and I told him, yes, I had already done that. So...yeah, I guess it went ok. He is such a hottie!

This morning on the way to work before I made it to the freeway, I got behind a couple of dump trucks. So to get around them, I decided to take a different route than usual--the back route I used to take when I came to work at more trafficky times. As I was going down this road I saw a deer walking down the street in the left hand lane. I came up behind it driving slowly because I was afraid it might do something silly like jump out in front of me. It saw me and put its head down and started bucking as it ran, like a horse might do. I've never seen a deer do that before. And that's only the second deer I've seen in Sacramento, ever. I passed it by and just a mile or so down the road I saw the strangest cat walking across someone's driveway. Then I realized it was a raccoon. I felt like nature girl or something, all these wild animals. Most raccoons I see in Sacramento are road pizza.

Tonight I have a volleyball game so I won't be running. I'm sort of disappointed that I won't be running because I want to get out there and see if I can do it any faster. Usually the first time is the worst. I think I can do it better. And speaking of things that are good for me, I didn't eat any M&M's yesterday. I even turned down the ones my dad offered me. Unfortunately, someone brought some Russell Stover miniature S'mores Cups in and put them in the pharmacy administration candy dish. Oh my, those things are really good! Not dark chocolate, but nothing to scoff at. I did eat several of those yesterday. I'm glad the residents' desk isn't any closer to the candy dish because then my waist line would really be in trouble.

So last night I went online and bought tickets for this weekend and reserved a hotel room. My parents are both teachers and their Spring Breaks start this weekend so they're rip-roaring to go somewhere and do something. So we're going to Monterey. On Saturday we'll spend the day at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. That's a really cool place with really neat exhibits. It's also where they filmed Star Trek IV, which is pretty funny because there is nowhere nearly big enough to be a whale tank in this aquarium. Then we'll spend the night in a hotel in town and on Sunday head off to Pinnacles National Monument. I haven't been there since I was two or three or something so obviously I don't remember it. It should be a fun weekend, too bad today's only Wednesday...

I also labeled the pictures I took in Folsom last Saturday. They are at Eucalia's Place. There were a few plants that I didn't know the names of, do I have any plant enthusiasts in my readership that would like to help me out?

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Rodeo or Mexico - Garth Brooks
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