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2003-10-01 - 7:40 p.m.

Grampa continues to do well. A nurse came today to look him over and she agreed with that assessment. He had one little mental blurb where he retook his morning medications, but other than that, no problems. I cleaned most of the rest of his house today. It's looking really nice, now. I'm going home tomorrow, so I'll have all these entries posted soon.

One of the headlines in the paper this morning was that Arianna Huffington dropped out of the race for governor of California. That makes absolutely no difference, of course, she wasn't going to win anyway. The scary part is that the article went on to say that polls right now are saying that Schwarzenegger is likely to win this election. Egads. It seems to me that there is one guy in this race who is obviously better than all the others, but it doesn't seem as though he is likely to win. Too bad. He'll have my vote, at least.

My Grampa's in the other room watching a baseball game right now. The A's are playing the Red Sox. Boston's still up 1-0. I was always under the impression that the Red Sox weren't any good. Well, there's still plenty of game left. When I was in San Francisco recently there was a lot of talk about a possible repeat of the "Battle of the Bay" World Series. Of course every time that comes up someone has to mention the earthquake.

I'm reading Lady Chatterley's Lover right now. It just seemed like something that anyone who wants to be well read should read. And also I have to admit to a bit of curiosity about the book. It was written in 1928 and shocked the world at the time, but really there's nothing very explicit about it by today's standards. And it's actually a pretty good book. I've heard it often said that although this book is Lawrence's most famous, it's definitely not his best, so I'm thinking I may have to pick up one of his others after I'm finished with this one. My only complaint so far is that her lover seems like a jerk. I have no idea why she likes him. Other than his geographic monopoly, I guess. Also the writing style is very old-fashioned. Reading this book reminds me quite a bit of reading something by Ayn Rand--lots of talking and self-analyzation with very little action--and although I may not necessarily agree with the ideas presented, they are at least interesting to think about.

"There's lots of good fish in the sea...maybe...but the vast masses seem to be mackerel or herring, and if you're not mackerel or herring yourself, you are likely to find very few good fish in the sea."

Oh look, the A's just scored two runs...

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