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The one thing we all need more of

2003-12-20 - 10:29 p.m.

I had a really horrible dream last night. I dreamt I was raped. Three times. Yeah. I was sitting at home alone watching TV or something when the doorbell rang. I got up and looked through the peephole and the person at the door looked suspicious so I didn't open it. But somehow he managed to pry the door open even while I was standing there trying to prevent him from getting in. He got in, grabbed me, threw me down on the floor, and...right. Then I was sitting at home alone watching TV again. Ding-dong. I got up to answer it. The person through the peephole looked suspicious, although it was a different person. Against all my struggles he got in and had his way with me again. Then I was watching TV again. Yeah, really, it kept repeating. Ding-dong. Oh shit, not again! I got up and looked through the peephole. This time it was a really big woman who appeared to have Down's syndrome. Seriously. She forced her way in the through the door and...egad, yes, she too...ugh, fingers, ew, gross...moving on...

Sorry about that. My brother and sister-in-law flew in today. They brought a bunch more presents which they spent a while wrapping this afternoon. We also went out to dinner at the Macaroni Grill and put together a 1000 piece puzzle in two hours. We also bought tickets to see "Return of the King" tomorrow. Yes, this will be my brother's third time seeing it. When asked about why he doesn't mind seeing it again, he fluttered his eyelashes in his best starry-eyed teenage girl impression and sighed dreamily, "Oh Legolas!" It was hilarious. We all know that Aragorn is hotter than Legolas, right? ;)

Speaking of teenage girls, sometimes reading their journals makes me feel really, really old. I was reading Ali's journal and she was talking about her friend going out with a "much older guy." The guy is 22. Just a kid! I can't believe I was in high school ten years ago. One of the pharmacists I was working with the other day told me, "You're just a baby, you have your whole life ahead of you." Somehow I don't feel that way. I feel like my whole life is flying by me, leaving me standing by the side of the road trying to catch a hold before it's too late. (Also, Ali referring to Jack Nicholson's ancientness as "like 50" was pretty funny, but luckily I'm not old enough to find that to be offensive. Dear, if you're reading this, he's closer to "like 70.")

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Hell Yeah - Montgomery Gentry
One Year Ago Today: What's missing

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