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Fried eggs, you're late

2005-03-28 - 7:26 p.m.

Sometimes I think the best thing about being crazy is that you don't have to worry about going crazy.

Today was a very good day. For starters, I was in a very good mood. I was just feeling very happy, although not weirdly giddy happy like I get sometimes. I woke up this morning confused, which I hate, and which I thought was a bad sign for the day, but it definitely turned out ok.

Work was good. Actually, it was a bit too slow. I don't think I've ever seen it so slow on a week day. I worked with Miko and Scooter who are both excellent pharmacists but also Miko was training a new pharmacist from a temp agency who's filling in for Apple (did I mention Apple got a new job somewhere else and she's gone now?) until we hire another new full-time person. It's sort of funny, Miko was telling me the other day how all the people they're interviewing are "real duds." But when I compare myself to his descriptions of them I don't really see a difference. Why am I not a dud? They don't seem to think I am. Although in my mind I'm definitely not much of a catch as far as pharmacists go. I mean, I spend all my time just trying not to kill anyone. Do you think someday I'll actually be able to focus on helping people?

But anyway, I got off track there, work was good. The queue never got over 20 (recently it's been up above 60 during the day shift nearly every day), and very often we were at zero just sort of twiddling our thumbs. If it had been any shift other than day shift I would've gotten some reading done, but I'm not quite brave enough to pull out a book when the managers are around. Another good thing about it being so slow is that I got Stainless to train me on the C-II safe. Just another hoop I've been putting off jumping through. But I've been receiving e-mails recently saying that if I don't complete this training by April 1st bad things will happen. Yeah, so it's out of the way now.

After work it had stopped raining so I changed into my jogging clothes and drove over to Green Lake for a jog. I took the outer loop this time. It's 3.2 miles long while the inner loop is 2.8 and it's gravel instead of paved. It's much, much less crowded and it's closer to the road with all the cars. But it was a good change. The worst thing was that it was so windy today. I kept getting dirt in my eyes and with these hard contacts that hurts like crazy. And for some reason when I have crud in my eyes I lose my sense of balance. It makes it very hard to jog in a straight line. Also dirt in my eyes makes me eyes water, which in turn makes my nose run. And of course I didn't have any tissues with me. I was wearing long sleeves though...

When I got home from jogging I was so excited that the sun was still up that I decided to walk down to the post office. And then from there I ended up at the waterfront where the sun was getting ready to set. It was even windier there. Some of the waves on the sound looked like they were big enough to surf.

So that's it, that was my day so far. I headed back home and just had dinner. My goal for the evening is to do the dishes and pay some bills before I go to bed. Fun stuff!

Here's a picture I took this afternoon of a ferry disappearing into the sunset on Puget Sound:

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One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Baby Girl - Sugarland
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