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2006-03-30 - 8:15 p.m.

Today after work, and after running down to the post office and back, I made a trip to REI. I know, dangerous. But they're having a 20%-off-any-single-item sale (ends April 2nd, better hurry down there!) and for my birthday my brother and SIL sent me a giftcard and told me to use it to buy a backpacking stove. So that's what I did. I researched a tiny bit online, but it's hard to tell what's what without looking at them and playing with them. I listened to schpiels from four different salesguys with varying opinions and varying knowledgability about backpacking and then finally settled on one. I went with this one from Snow Peak. It uses multi-fuel canisters, it has an automatic starter, and it fits in the palm of my hand. Seems cool to me. I can't wait to test it out! Lolo has never really done much camping and he's done no backpacking. I have every intention of remedying that this summer.

So yesterday Lolo and I went out for drinks with Twinkie and Robin. I still think it was a little weird. It felt like there was an ulterior motive, but I wasn't quite sure what it was. Was it just because we're the two pharmacy relationships going on at the moment? I don't know. Anyway, the interesting fact that we found out from Twinkie is that everybody knows. Well, that's not too big of a surprise, really. So apparently right after Lolo told Buzz about us, Buzz announced it to anyone who would listen, which is ok because Lolo told him it wasn't a secret. What I don't understand is why everyone seems to think that they need to keep it a secret from us that we're not a secret. And actually I'm still convinced that not everyone knows. Licorice, at least, has said things to both Lolo and I that I swear she wouldn't say if she knew. And a few other pharmacists have said unkind things in front of me about Lolo which I really doubt they would've said had they known he's my boyfriend. But another reason why having drinks with Twinkie and Robin was weird was because they were so lovey-dovey. Even after seeing them together, I still have trouble imagining them together. And they wouldn't keep their hands off each other. It wasn't to the point of being inappropriate, I didn't think, but it was still a little weird. I don't know, it's probably just me.

The other thing of interest that happened today was that Licorice's son, who is a senior in high school, came to the hospital to shadow a pharmacist. And guess who got to have a shadow. Yup, me. Poor kid. I was trying to make what I do seem interesting to someone who knows nothing about anything medical, but it's pretty tough. How do I explain that I'm looking up blood counts and serum electrolytes and drug levels and vitals and medical histories in order to make sure that the appropriate drugs are ordered at appropriate dosages and that no side effects or interactions are occurring to a high school kid when all he can see is that I'm pushing a mouse around and jotting notes on pieces of paper and repeating the process seemingly unceasingly? At least if it's a pharmacy student they know a bit about the labs and the drugs so I can talk a bit more about what I'm thinking as well as what I'm doing. Plus, the kid isn't even interested in being a pharmacist. He's going to culinary school next year (which sounds much more interesting than pharmacy school, doesn't it?). So it was pretty pointless and I felt guilty for boring him, but at the same time I had a job to get done. I eventually passed him off to Buzz, who was nice enough to take him off my hands. Phew!

One Good Thing: Snow Peak!
Song of the Day: Learning to Live Again - Garth Brooks
One Year Ago Today: My thoughts fold you up

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6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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