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Dancing a dreamer's dance

2004-01-12 - 4:26 p.m.

This morning I layed around in bed a while before getting up. I think doing that's bad for me. If I get out of bed right away I tend to have better days.

I jogged this morning for about 2.5 miles. I was tired the moment I started. It was a major struggle the whole way just to keep myself going. Afterwards I took my dad's bike out again to measure the distance with his odometer. That was also very tiring. Yesterday my dad tried to use his odometer for the first time. It's computerized and has 12 functions. He's used to the analog kind. Apparently he had issues with it. When he came back from wherever he went trying to use it, he was really pissed off. He announced that the odometer sucked, that the John Mayer CD I was listening to sucked, and that the fire I had built in the fireplace was all wrong, among other things. Luckily, I wasn't in a bad mood or things could've gotten a lot worse. Instead I was able to deflect all his comments. Anyway, because of all that, today I decided to mess with it more. I have to admit, the directions that came with the odometer do suck, but the odemeter itself works just fine.

After showering I drove myself down to donate blood. I had a cold when it was time for me to donate again so I didn't, but now I'm feeling all better so I decided to go for it. No problems with my hematocrit again, thankfully. After the lady stuck me with the needle in my arm she exclaimed, "All right! I did it! I didn't think I'd be able to get that, you have such small veins!" Yeah, thanks for not saying anything about your lack of confidence before hand. Actually, it didn't hurt a bit. What bothered me, though, was after you give blood you're supposed to go hang out for fifteen minutes and eat a snack. "Go have two big glasses of something to drink," she said to me. Did they have anything low calorie to eat? No! I had one small glass of apple juice and a box of raisins. I was annoyed when I got home to discover that I had eaten 4 points for a snack when I wasn't even hungry. Hopefully pretty soon I'll get a better handle on what costs less points than other stuff. Of course I do think that what I chose was better than say the cookies and candy they offered.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Straight Tequila Night - John Anderson
One Year Ago Today: No tickie this time

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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