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Ain't nothin' you can't iron out

2004-01-27 - 7:13 p.m.

For some reason today I've been feeling lonely. Why should today be any different than any other day? I don't know, but it is.

As a result of this lonely and despondent mood I've been in all day, I didn't study. Maybe it would've made me feel better if I had, so that I was feeling like I was accomplishing something. I also had the munchies all day. I used up 2 points this morning just on the munchies. I didn't exercise today, either, but I blame that on the rain. I needed a break from jogging anyway, but I would've liked to have gotten out there and at least biked.

Today I spent the morning baking snacks for my mom to take to school. Is it just me or does that strike anyone else as ironic?

Oh, I just realized what makes today different than any other day. I stayed up too late last night.

What was I doing up late? Browsing Amazon. Did I buy anything? Yes, actually, I think I did. But mostly I was just making a list of books I want to read in the future. The book I bought was one that was recommended to me yesterday by Wyndspirit. It looked good and I got it used for $3.50 including shipping. What was that thing I was talking about before about not giving in to temptation? Hmm...

Speaking of books I've purchased recently, it's been over a week since I broke down and ordered all those books online and still none of them have come. I shouldn't be so impatient. It's not like I'm going to have time to read them immediately when they come. And it's not like I have nothing else around to read.

Ok, so I just went and read Wyndspirit's journal entry for today and she mentioned the possibility of starting up a "100 Books a Year" ring/club. I like the idea, other than the fact that I think reading 100 books a year is pretty close to impossible for me to do. That would be nearly 2 books a week. Since I started doing BooksEucalia, the average length of book I've read is 477 pages. I like long books. But that got me thinking again about something I've been thinking about for a while. I've been thinking of starting a book review journal. It seems like such a thing must already exist here in the realm of Diaryland, but I haven't come across one I like. Do you know of any? I was thinking I'd make it similar to BooksEucalia, only it would be open for anyone to add reviews to. I'm always looking for new ideas of things to read. Maybe this would be a good way to do it. So I've been trying to decide whether I should make it be one of those public journals that anyone can post to, or make it so that people would actually have to e-mail their reviews to me and then I can post them myself. I'm thinking people would be more likely to post if they could just post without having to e-mail anything. But on the other hand, I do like to be in control. So what do you guys think? Would any of you be interested in participating in something like this? Please let me know!

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: I Can't Sleep - Clay Walker
One Year Ago Today: Climbing the smoke stack

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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