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When the trees are sleepy

2004-02-26 - 7:53 p.m.

Do you ever stop and look around and wonder just where you are? Sometimes I stop and think, wait a second, where am I? I thought I was living in America. You know, land of the free, home of the brave, and all that jazz. Reading the newspaper these days makes me seriously doubt that sometimes. Where are all these brave people they keep talking about? And where are the free ones? I'm looking, but what am I seeing?

Anyway, my morning with the dentist wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. Apparently my cavity was very small and "confined to chewing surfaces" which meant it was relatively easy to get to and didn't require too much drilling. Not only that, but I was completely wrong when I thought more of my face would be numb. Hardly any of it was numb at all. And the only pain I felt while they were drilling on my top teeth was in my bottom teeth from all the cold air that was blowing around in there. And this relatively pain-free procedure only set me back $118.


OK, three hours have passed since I started this entry. I went off to play a volleyball match. We lost two out of three, but they were good games. Somewhat embarrassing, though, that the other team was down a player. I think my team really needs to work on defense. We rely on our offense so much that when we come up against a team that has good defense, we crack up.

But anyway, I think I'm going to wrap this entry up since I want to get to bed at a relatively decent time and I also want to read more of my book tonight. I was really enjoying the beginning, but then I got to the part about Tom Bombadil. If any of you enjoy this part of The Fellowship of the Ring, I'd love to hear why. What is it that I'm missing? I seem to recall from my previous attempt at reading this book six years ago that I found this part boring then, too. And then it seems to me that the bit right after it was boring too, but I can't remember what it is right now. I quit right after that last time. This time I will finish it.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Five Minutes - Lorrie Morgan
One Year Ago Today: Living inside a cow

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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