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Especially at unlikely times

2004-02-29 - 9:39 p.m.

This morning I took my parents with me to a basic step aerobics class. I was told that during this class we would be taught, well, the basic steps. Turned out it wasn't true. We just dove right into it. My parents were pretty lost during most of it. My dad reacts to feeling foolish by laughing at himself hysterically, so he was fine. My mom, however, reacts to feeling foolish by quitting and pouting, so she was a bit tougher. I basically had to spend the whole time pretending I didn't see her because if I tried to be encouraging she would stop. So of course I thought she hated it, but she wants to go with me to another class tomorrow afternoon--her idea, not mine! Yay Mom!

Today I also went seed shopping. I like to garden. The only problem is I suck at it. I certainly don't have a green thumb. When shopping for house plants I don't look for plants that are "easy to grow." No, that's not good enough. I look for plants that are "hard to kill." And even then I have difficulties. But when it comes to gardening, I always insist on trying new things each year. So I got the traditional things which year after year seem to be able to withstand my care, and then I got some not-so-traditional things, at least for me. I decided to try bok choy and daikon this year in the Asian department, and then onions and asparagus. I understand onions are easy to grow and asparagus is impossible. I can't wait to find out.

Tomorrow is my weigh in day again already. I've had a positive attitude all week, so if I don't lose weight, I can't blame the attitude. Last week I remember feeling fat on the evening before my weigh in. I have to say I don't feel particularly fat tonight, but I don't exactly feel skinny either. Oh please oh please let me have lost some weight this week.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Bop - Dan Seals
One Year Ago Today: It's leap nothing! :-)

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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