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Clueless. Again.

2004-04-30 - 10:26 p.m.

Have you ever wondered what you would figure out on your own if you weren't given all the answers? I mean, what if you were a caveman or something, back in a time when millions of other people hadn't been around accumulating knowledge prior to when you were even born and writing bunches of this knowledge down and feeding it to you for as long as you can remember. What would you think of the world around you? Look at the stars--how would you explain them if you didn't know already? What would you think of yourself? Put your hand on your chest and feel the beating--how would you explain what's going on inside you? Would you be even close to right?

Anyway, after a midnight switch of my template yesterday I seem to have gotten a resounding response of "Thank God you got rid of that hideous stripey thing!" Or something like that. OK, yeah, obviously I agree with you or else I wouldn't have switched it, would I? Except I haven't quite figured out how to work in some of my other features which I liked. Maybe "features" is stretching it a bit. And maybe they were just clutter anyway.

Spending this morning with my dad wasn't as bad as I anticipated it might be. For starters, I didn't get out of bed until 8:30 and then he didn't talk to me until 9:30, so that left only two hours together before my mom got home. That combined with feeling inexplicably tolerant this morning made everything just fine. I proofread all his work, mostly just checking for typos and making sure it all made sense rather than checking for content. Then I got him a three-ring binder and shipping materials from my horde of office supplies and it was ready to be mailed by the time my mom got home. No Chipotle today, but that's ok, I think I'll live. It's funny, with my dad home I've been thinking it's Saturday all day. Never in my life has my dad called in sick to work and then stayed home. I mean, not unless he was actually sick, and even then only when he was really sick. Like not getting out of bed for three months sick. Anyway, it was unusual, but not so bad.

Two more sunflowers came up, but none of anything else in my garden. One of my bok choy plants is beginning to flower. You know, I have no idea when you're supposed to harvest bok choy. I'll have to look into that.

I only read 100 pages in my book, The Sword of Shannara, today. I still have around 250 to go before I'm done. The book is actually getting better as I go. Hey, there's another similarity to Lord of the Rings. I received my next book in the mail today, though. Have any of you ever read Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides? That's my next book. The woman who sent it to me is a really nice lady from British Columbia. Along with the book she sent me a Canadian flag zipper pull. It's cute and really nice of her to send and really fun to receive in the mail, but what in the world am I going to do with it? Obviously I'm not going to walk around with a Canadian flag on any of my zippers. I think I need to get some Sacramento memorabilia so I can send it to people when I send them books. But what the heck is Sacramento memorabilia anyway? And where can I get it? Well, ok, there are Sacramento postcards for sale in the local drug store, I guess I could get some of those. Other than that, though, I don't know. Maybe some Sacramento Kings stuff? Except I really don't care much about basketball. What is Sacramento famous for? The Governator? No, not sending anything Arnold-related to anyone. Maybe I could just send cute things but not necessarily Sacramento things to people. How about cute bookmarks? That definitely goes along with the whole book theme. I guess I'll just have to keep my eyes open for possibilities.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Meet in the Middle - Diamond Rio
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