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Like backwards rain

2004-08-21 - 9:08 p.m.

I had another spider nightmare last night. This one involved a tarantula-sized black widow hanging from a thread just above my face. I grabbed my trusty flashlight and headed down to the foot of my bed. Let me tell you, it was a relief to realize that that was just a dream.

This morning I slept in and then went out to breakfast with my parents. Afterwards we went to the farmer's market and got fresh corn, zucchini, cantaloupe, and blackberries. Yum!

In the strip mall between my post office and my grocery store there's a little place where they conduct marketing research. The one time before that I was approached to participate I turned them down, but they approached me again today and I went for it. Sure, why not? When they approached me though, I didn't know what they were going to ask me questions about. I followed the guy off the sidewalk into a room full of...safes! Ha ha, what do I know about safes? Nothing! I answered the questions anyway and earned myself seven bucks. Go me! Not enough to pay for mailing my copy of A.S. Byatt's Possession to Poland, but more than I make most days.

Speaking of Possession, the DVD of the movie came today in the mail from Netflix and I watched it this afternoon. It was basically the same story as the book, but the characters were different. The good guys were more attractive and the bad guys less attractive. Maud and Roland's relationship was much more kissy-kissy. It was still pretty good though, it must've been tough to turn that book into a movie effectively. And I still enjoyed the ending.

Today I got to do nothing all day long, really. It was nice. I caught up, pretty much, on reading all my favorites here on Diaryland. It's been a while, guys, I apologize. I found myself reading stuff I wanted to comment on and then seeing that the date it was written was two weeks ago. Ah, oh well. Here, I'll put my comments here...have fun on your trip, yay for starting college, congratulations on finishing your book, dump the guy already, what pretty hair you have (and what a cute little bro, too), good luck with the phone call you're waiting for, and what a cool new filter you have for your camera! I don't know if you all read this, but if you do, there you go.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Lonely and Gone - Montgomery Gentry
One Year Ago Today: Help pour out the rain

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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