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On the sofa eatin' chocolate pie

2004-09-15 - 9:16 p.m.

This morning I had jogged over two miles before I remembered that I had given blood yesterday. It was quite a relief, actually, because I couldn't figure out why I was so dead tired. Sometimes when I'm jogging I have arguments with myself over whether or not to take the short way or the long way home, but I never have arguments with myself over whether or not to slow to a walk. Until today. I very nearly walked some, but I didn't. There was also an incident while I was jogging up a fairly busy street. I was across the street from a park, at the time and out of the park came running a squirrel. Yup, Mr. Squirrel ran straight into traffic and then stopped and stood there waiting for a car to come. It didn't take long. The car slowed and swerved to miss him, but that's when Mr. Squirrel decided to start running again and yes, Mr. Squirrel was hit as I watched. That car continued on leaving Mr. Squirrel lying on his back in the street scrabbling three paws in the air until the next car came along. No more Mr. Squirrel. It was truly horrible. There was nothing I could do but watch. I kept jogging as I was sobbing like an idiot.

When I got home I decided to mow the front and back lawns. It's been forever since I've mowed anything around here. Since May, I think. I've let my dad have that pleasure. It took me two hours and one blister to finish it all. I took a lunch break and then went out and washed a couple of cars. Then I went out and cleaned the pool. Phew! I feel good, though. Productive is good.

Tomorrow Doodle and the Babe are coming to visit. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them. I'm thinking of taking them downtown to Old Sac. We can look at the little shops there and maybe go down to the riverfront area. Plus there's the Downtown Plaza, I can take them there. There aren't any movies out I want to see, so most likely no movie. I also have a volleyball game tomorrow night. It's the first one of the season. I told the girls I have a game and they want to come. I think they're nuts. I have a feeling they'll decide not to go to the game in the end, but I guess we'll see.

And the 12k race is on Saturday. I'm a little worried about whether or not I'll be able to finish it. Especially after today's disastrous 11:31 pace. Will I be recovered enough by Saturday? I hope so. I don't know if it's best for me to keep running every day or if I should take a break the day before the race. I was planning on running a practice 12k tomorrow, but now Doodle and the Babe are coming so I don't think I have time. Especially since I seem to be slowed up. Maybe tomorrow I'll have time to run a shorter loop anyway. But only if I get up early. And that means I need to go to bed early. No, it means I need to go to sleep early and lately I've been sleeping horribly. Ack.

One Good Thing:
Song of the Day: Swingin' - John Anderson
One Year Ago Today: Swayin' like a slow freight train

8 weeks, 3 days
8 weeks, 1 day
6 weeks, 4 days
6 weeks, 2 days
5 weeks, 6 days

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